Come and make new friends at Tea and Biscuit Club at Buffery Park!

August 2, 2023
Published by Dudley CVS

If you’re in need of some friendly company and a laugh, the Tea and Biscuit Club is just for you!  The group was set up about 18 months ago post-Covid.  It’s for people who live on their own and who don’t have many friends, and want more social interaction with people their own age (40+).

There is no set agenda, it is a friendly chat with tea and cake.  People who have attended come back week after week.  It’s a lovely warm atmosphere and very welcoming,
so please give it a try!

Location Buffery Paradise Centre, Buffery Park, Dudley, DY2 8SH
Held every Thursday! 10am till 1pm
Please contact John Lathwood at 07462905032 for more details.
Transport Diamond Bus 25 goes past Buffery Park.
Part of the Friends & Residents of Buffery Park Charity.

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