Cultural Action for Climate Justice ~ Spring Gathering 2023

February 21, 2023
Published by Lorna Prescott
a collage of nature based imagesHow might cultural action in communities across Dudley borough contribute to climate justice?

You are warmly invited to

Dudley Cultural Collaborators Network Spring Gathering

on Thursday 30 March, 2.00pm-4.30pm
at CoLab Dudley, 201a High Street, Dudley, DY1 1QQ

  • Watch and discuss the GIVING VOICES documentary being made by young Black artists from Dudley sharing their experiences of racism and discrimination through film, spoken word, music and dance. (You can also help to support this work led by CreHeart CIC- see below.)
  • Meet local people working to establish Dudley People’s School for Climate Justice and find out about peer-to-peer learning and nature connectedness which are at the heart of it.
  • Explore waves of inquiry emerging through Water Walks in Dudley and Amblecote as part of the social art exploration of climate change in Dudley: Getting into Hot Water. Creative documentation in the form of watercolour painting and audio recordings is being generated.
  • Pick up your very own Discovery Guide which brings together learning from creative and cultural activity across Dudley borough to illuminate a range of roles and practices that can help to nurture a flourishing cultural ecosystem. What’s your niche in the network?
  • Take a look at Dudley through the four lenses of the Doughnut, considering our local aspirations with our global responsibilities. *The Doughnut is a compass for human prosperity in the 21st century, with the aim of meeting the needs of all people within the means of the living planet. Doughnut Economics explores the mindset and ways of thinking needed to get us there.
  • Add to the evolving Manifesto for our Cultural Futures in Dudley borough.

All of the above are intentionally interconnected facets of strategy in action which members of Dudley Cultural Collaborators network are invited to support, contribute to, make use of and be inspired by. This gathering continues our commitment to take strategy off the page so that it expands our imaginations, beats in our hearts and is nourished by our actions. It is an ongoing weaving of threads shared in our Winter 2022 Gathering ~ Rehearsing the Futures We Want.

Sign up here to join us at the Spring Gathering 2023

Do spread the word, share this invitation through your networks ~ we’d love to meet people you collaborate and connect with.

Dudley Creates: a 100 Year Cultural Strategy in action for Dudley borough will be shared online in March 2023. Part collective imagination playbook, part counter-map to flourishing regenerative futures in Dudley Borough, it will invite Active Hope, share Moral Tales and welcome Time Travellers ✨  Being good ancestors is a collective endeavour and adventure.

Support CreHeart CIC to cover the costs of an artist residency as part of the GIVING VOICES project: check out thier crowdfunding page

Photo of young Black woman playing keyboard at a community event







Cultural Collaborators is an emerging, open network of people seeking to catalyse change through creativity and cultural animation in Dudley Borough. It is stewarded by Dudley CVS through the CoLab Dudley team. Find out more in our Digital Allotment.

Image and photo credits:

✂️  Collage created by Time Rebel Holly Doron from work created by students and local people, shared in the Stories of Place archives.

📸  Photos shared by Time Rebel Marlene Fortes from CreHeart Launch Day on 16 July 2022.

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