Cuppa and chat for Volunteer Managers

August 23, 2021
Published by Dudley CVS
Our virtual cuppa and chat sessions are for anyone who manages volunteers, be they a paid member of staff or a volunteer.

The aim of these friendly, informal, Zoom sessions is to provide support and networking – from general volunteer management advice to specifics such as lone working. So why not make yourself comfortable, grab a drink and join in our next online gathering on Thursday 30th September from 11:30-1? If you would like more information or have a query, please contact Eileen from the Volunteer Centre on

Please join us on Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 0156 7184

Passcode: 206643

30 Sep 2021 at 11:30am
until 30 Sep 2021 at 1:00pm
7 Albion Street
Brierley Hill
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