We’re looking to celebrate and recognise amazing individuals, groups and businesses who have made a difference to people and communities across Dudley borough for this year’s Dudley CVS Kindness Awards 2022.
Do you know someone who deserves recognition for their kindness? Why not nominate them for the Dudley Kindness Awards 2022?
To make a nomination, please complete the following form Kindness Awards 2022 Nomination Form
Take a look at inspirational stories from last year’s Awards to help you with your nomination.
Are you ok Award?
This award recognises people who are supportive listeners who have helped others with their well-being. Being a listening ear when it’s been needed and offering an opportunity for people to talk about how they are feeling. Have you been supported by an amazing listener? Please tell us all about them.
- Ask me if I’m really okay – Main Award:
Sgt Adam Sefton, Dudley Squadron the Royal Yeomanry
Sgt Sefton is a recruiter of the Dudley reserve unit and works tirelessly to ensure candidates feel welcomed and part of the family. “Sgt Sefton has saved the lives of many lost and wandering individuals who had no purpose or will to live, giving them not only a reason to live but also applicable skills to the civilian world that have landed them jobs as well as, most importantly, a family.”
- Ask me if I’m really okay – Highly Commended:
Tracy McClymont
Tracy supported her friend to seek help to leave an abusive relationship. “Tracy is special because she gives 100% support, compassion, love, kindness, to her friend in giving her the courage to find the strength to leave behind abuse and to start to build a new life.”
Being neighbourly Award
Please tell us about the friendly shoppers and volunteer drivers, who have helped out their neighbours when they needed. Something as simple as doing a weekly shop for someone who can’t leave the house and that friendly face will make a huge difference. Perhaps they’ve taken people to appointments or dropped off medication, or even looked after their pet, when no one else could help. Or it could be an individual or group who’s made a huge impact in their neighbourhood.
- Being Neighbourly – Group Award – Main Award:
Friends of Abbey Street Park
“Throughout these difficult times, they have continued to litter pick, clean, plant, report fly-tipping, graffiti, gas canisters and deal with many incidents of ASB where flowerbeds and bins have been vandalised or play equipment graffitied.”
- Being Neighhourly – Group Award – Highly Commended:
Friends of Chapel Street Estate
“Jamie and Angela have supported several people on the Chapel Street estate, as they were unable to go out due to shielding. They have collected shopping, prescriptions and provided friendship, and support. Even though the people are no longer shielding, Jamie and Angela continue to support local residents and have developed some really positive friendships.”
- Being Neighbourly – Individual – Main Award:
Jenni Boast
“During Covid, Jenni has arranged sing-outs for the street, treasure hunts and competitions for the children – when the circumstances allowed – lifting everyone’s spirits and bringing the community together.”
Stepping up Award
There are some truly wonderful people around our borough who are always there to step up and help, whatever needs doing they are there. So let’s celebrate the joyful doers, selfless helpers and expert tea makers. Have you met a community dreamer, who has come up with creative ways to make things better for their local community and those who live in it? Do you know a brilliant business who’s thought outside the box and supported the local community? Have their staff stepped up to make a difference?
- Stepping up in the Community Award – Individual – Highly Commended:
Neil Knott [Biscuit]
“Biscuit has been on hand every day to assist in the town as a very willing volunteer. This has included moving benches and heavy items, watering the Halesowen in Bloom plants, assisting with the Halesowen beach, and weeding the gardens and pavements.”
- Stepping up in the Community Award – Individual – Main Award:
Rosemary Taylor
“Rosemary makes the environment more enjoyable, cleaner and safer for local residents, children, businesses and animals in the area by removing unsightly and sometimes dangerous litter.”
- Stepping Up in Education Award:
Sophia Daly, Dudley College Students Union
“Sophia has been working exceptionally hard to help everyone throughout the pandemic, even if she was not feeling herself. She supports all students, no matter their background or circumstances. She also goes to any length to make everyone feel comfortable and confident in working in the Students Union.”
- Stepping Up award for a business:
Steve Bridgwater, Brierley Hill Market Hall
Steve is the manager of Brierley Hill Market, a Director on the Brierley Hill Community
Forum, runs the Positive Brierley Hill Facebook page, and is an all-round community
He is also an admin on the Positive Brierley Hill Facebook page which was created by
Steve and Frank Chamberlain a few years ago. By selflessly dedicating time and effort
to promoting good news stories about Brierley Hill and the great work of people in it,
Steve and Frank have contributed massively to a change of attitude towards our town.
Reaching Out Award [new for 2022]
Do you know someone who’s been creative and supported people to make them feel less isolated, or just someone to talk to when they needed it? This could be face-to-face, setting up a helpline, a What’s App group to connect people, using Facebook, Zoom or other online platforms, in fact absolutely anything that has helped others. Let’s hear about all those creative ways they have connected people.
Tough Enough To Care
“A completely volunteer-led organisation supporting the local community through mental health crisis alongside working full-time jobs and family commitments. Following the loss of 2 friends to suicide within 4 days of each other, Tough Enough To Care was set up to remove the stigma that surrounds mental ill-health in male-dominated environments such as the military and the construction industry.”
Young Believer Award [up to age 25]
Young people have stepped up and come up with creative options to support their community, peers, older people, those who are isolated or simply anyone in need. Let’s celebrate and recognise these amazing young people and inspire them to do even more. Have they helped others to have a voice, helped to tackle anti-social behaviour or like our amazing Young Health Champion, supported people with their mental wellbeing?
- Young Believer – Highly Commended:
Amman Ahmed
“Amman made a massively positive difference to all of his fellow students and staff at the Dudley Sixth. He is an incredible role model and his dedication and kind heart has really shone through. By his actions anxiety, isolation and stress were tackled for all whether directly or indirectly involved. We are very proud of what he has achieved and feel he is an absolute worthy winner of a Kindness recognition.”
- Young Believer – Highly Commended:
Lauren Nicholson
“Lauren wishes to spread awareness of the impact of bereavement and grief on young people and has launched a campaign ‘Ask me if I am REALLY OK’. This campaign encourages others to think about the everyday interactions that can make a difference to others if you take the time to listen and learn from others.”
Young Believer – Main Award:
Jack Stokes
“Jack is authentically him, and although shy with new people, he has pushed his comfort zone to act as an advocate for others. He’s fiercely faced the challenges set out in front of him and has represented and supported the student LGBTQ+ community without apology.”
Kind to the environment award [new category for 2022]
Tell us all about someone who’s passionate about looking after the environment, or a group who have taken up an environmental challenge. We want to celebrate people who have stepped up to:
- clear litter and rubbish from paths, streets, parks or green spaces
- planted trees
- grown and shared locally produced vegetables and fruit, and showed others how they could do this for themselves
- started an environmental campaign locally eg a recycling campaign
Friends of Saltwells Nature Reserve
“They have applied for and won a number of grant bids including £5,000 for educational materials for the new Warden’s and Education Centre, to help schools and community groups get the most out of their experience. They also were awarded over 600 trees, which they have helped plant within the nature reserve.”
Why not nominate someone today!
Kindness Awards 2022 Nomination Form

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