How might we create a digital archive that lasts for 100 years?
The CoLab Dudley team are collaborating with community technologists to do this, and welcome all interested local people to contribute.
Through work on Dudley People’s School for Climate Justice, we are collaborating with Common Knowledge for 2 years to co-create a digital archive. The Dudley Time Portal will be:
A living archive of creative artefacts and experiments from the past, present and future of Dudley Borough.
A digital commons to be shared and stewarded by the Dudley Borough community.
Digital infrastructure to inspire community-led social innovation, collective imagination and cultural action.
If you care about Dudley Borough and any of this sparks your curiosity, we’d love you to get involved in this project. See below for upcoming activities.
The first co-design session will take place on Wednesday 20 November, 6pm-9pm at CoLab Dudley, 201a High Street, Dudley, DY1 1QQ
Gemma and Alex from Common Knowledge will share ideas that have emerged from our collaboration so far. They will then guide us through quick experimentation and rehearsing of some of the ideas, as we ask ourselves How might we create a digital archive that lasts for 100 years?
Come with: your curiosity, an open mind and a willingness to try something new. You’re also welcome to bring your dinner. Snacks will be provided!
Please book on Eventbrite
Our activities are hosted in numerous indoor and outdoor spaces across Dudley Borough. This activity is taking place in the CoLab Dudley space on Dudley High Street, which is a rented unit in the Trident Shopping Centre. While the main space is at street level and fully accessible, the toilet is on the first floor up steep stairs. Sadly, there has been no way to adapt the space for accessible toilets. Which means this particular activity isn’t fully accessible for people with mobility impairments. Please contact Lorna Prescott ( if you would like to get involved in this project but require us to book a fully accessible venue.

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Integrated Plus Newsletter May 2024