Group drawing and talking session for those experiencing grief

July 31, 2023
Published by Dudley CVS

Coffin Club in Margaret’s Memory CIC is hosting a group drawing and talking session for anyone experiencing grief.

When and where

Saturday 16th September 2023, 10.30am-12.30pm at Mary Stevens Park Healthy Hub.

Kelly Higgs of Time To Heal Together will lead the session, which will be an opportunity for the participants to experience a group drawing and talking session. It’s a safe, non-intrusive way for people to process trauma and /or difficult memories and emotions – clearly very helpful for those experiencing grief. Kelly will also give a presentation on her own experiences of grief and key things she has learned around how to support children experiencing bereavement, taken mainly from her role as a teacher and lead of Social and Emotional well-being, as well as talking about how 1-1 drawing and talking works.

For more information or to book your place, visit the session listed on Eventbrite.

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