Top Church, located at the top of Dudley High Street, is home to a growing congregation, aspiring to be a highly visible, outward facing church. They have a vision for the church to be a blessing to local communities across Dudley. To date, this has seen the Top Church building become a hub of worship and community activity in the centre of the town six days a week.
They are looking for a Church Manager to help steer the church through the final year of its existing funding period with the Strategic Development Fund. This role will take the lead in planning for a sustainable long-term financial future and assist with any further building works. You will work with and advise the Board of trustees on financial matters as they discern the vision and steps for the next phase in the life of the church.
You will be highly organised with strong administrative and financial management skills, with experience of office working and processes. You will be passionate about the church, its mission and ministry, and be excited to work with a range of people.
This is a part-time post of 15 hours per week (0.4 FTE). The role is for a fixed term of 12 months.
Salary: £31,000 FTE (£12,400 pro-rata), plus pension contributions
To apply for this position please submit a CV and covering letter to Your covering letter should summarise:
• Why you are applying for the role.
• Your relevant experience and skills in relation to the person specification.
• What you would hope to see achieved in the role by the end of the fixed term.
Applications should be submitted electronically by 5:00pm on Thursday 8th February 2024.
For any further information or to arrange an informal chat, please contact Rev. James Treasure:
The Job Description and Person Specification is available at:

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