Welcome to November’s funding update.
This update is split into three parts. Section A features funders that can support organisations and individuals with the cost-of-living crisis.
Section B features funders with upcoming deadlines. You’ll find funders with a local or regional focus first, and national funders second. The funders are listed in order of deadline date, soonest first.
Section C features funders who welcome applications at any time. Again, you’ll find funders with a local or regional focus first, and national funders second.
This update can only provide a snapshot of these funders so we recommend visiting the funders’ websites for full details before you apply. Most funders in this list have a website, which you can access by clicking on the name of the funder. Full contact details have been provided for funders that do not have a website.
A. Grants to support groups and individuals with the cost-of-living crisis
Dudley MBC Household Support Fund – help with the cost of living during winter time
Who can apply: Individual households that in Dudley borough that meet the criteria below
Size of grant available: Minimum one-off payment of £150
Criteria: The following can apply:
- One adult households with gross income, including wages and benefits, less than £35,000 per year and savings less than £6,000
- Multi-adult households with joint gross income, including wages and benefits, less than £45,000 per year and savings are less than £6,000
How to apply: Criteria, guidance and a link to the application form are provided on the Dudley Council Household Support Fund website
The Foodbank Fund
Deadline: 6th December 2022
Who can apply: Foodbanks that are constituted not-for-profits which regularly give out emergency food parcels at least one a week and have been established before 2020. Applicant organisations must have an annual income between £25,000 and £1,000,000
Size of grant available: Minimum request is £500. No maximum is stated although the funder will not normally give more than 20% of an organisation’s running costs
Priorities: The Foodbank Fund has been established in response to the cost of living crisis and evidence that many foodbanks are facing the combined challenges of increasing need, escalating running costs, and food donations failing to keep up with demand. Grants are for foodbanks to help meet costs such as the purchase of additional food items and increased running costs
Types of costs supported: Costs which the fund can cover are:
- Rent
- Utility and insurance costs
- Food (including other needed household items) purchase
- Core staffing costs for roles required to deliver the foodbank
- Volunteer costs (e.g. travel)
- Storage and distribution costs (including existing vehicle maintenance/running costs)
How to apply: Full guidance and FAQs are available on the funder’s website and the application form is online at the website
The Open Philanthropy Funds – Tackling Financial Hardships Funds A and B
Deadline: 16th December 2022
General: Two separate funds in the financial hardship sector, aiming to relieve and reduce financial hardship in the UK. The deadline for applications is 5pm Friday 16th December 2022, and you can only apply to one
The Tackling Financial Hardship Fund (A)
Who can apply: Registered charities and constituted community groups with a turnover of less than £100,000
Size of grant available: Up to £15,000
Priorities: Grants to relieve and reduce financial hardship in the UK, with a specific focus on supporting:
- Asylum seekers
- Young people
- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities
- Those with experience of domestic violence
- Single parent households
- Women and girls
Types of costs supported: This fund can cover cash grants to individuals as long as robust systems are in place
The Tackling Financial Hardship Fund (B)
Who can apply: Registered charities and constituted community groups with a turnover of less than £200,000
Size of grant available: £5,000-£25,000
Priorities: Grants to relieve and reduce financial hardship in the UK, with a specific focus on supporting:
- Young people
- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities
- Single parent households
- People with disabilities
- Asylum seekers and those with NRPF (no recourse to public funds)
How to apply: Guidance and the online application for both funds are available on the Open Philanthropy Funds website
Severn Trent Community Fund – Core Funding
Who can apply: Any constituted not-for-profit (including community groups and registered charities), excluding uniformed groups, sports clubs and organisations with a religious purpose
Size of grant available: £5,000-£20,000 depending on the size of the applicant organisation
Priorities: The fund aims to help local charitable groups with essential running expenses so that they can continue to provide services to support communities in the Severn Trent region. Grants are to cover the essential costs an organisation has to keep running. This might include management and administration, general office costs (rent and utilities), accountancy and audit, fundraising, communications and governance/compliance costs. The funding is intended to support organisations that deliver services linked to one of Severn Trent’s three elements of community wellbeing:
- People – projects that help people to lead a healthier life and gain new skills
- Places – projects that help to create better places to live in and use
- Environment – projects that will help look after the natural environment, give people greater access to that environment or help look after water
How to apply: Full guidance and a link to the online application are provided on the Severn Trent Community Trust website
COSARAF Hardship Grants (for individuals)
Who can apply: Applications will only be accepted from recognised social organisations, such as charities, housing associations, schools and social services who are acting on behalf of a family or individual in need
Size of grant available: Up to £2,000 to cover a year’s worth of expenses but only in exceptional circumstances will a grant of over £500 be awarded
Priorities: Priority will be given to:
- The most financially excluded people
- Families over individuals
- Those with caring responsibilities
- Items that will make the most difference to the individual/family’s long-term future
Organisations can only apply once in a single year. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are taking advantage of all support offered by local services, including the referring social organisation
Types of costs supported:
- Household items (white goods and occasionally other items such as sofas or wardrobes)
- Basic living expenses (utilities or food)
- Work or education-related expenses (such as interview clothes, school uniforms, or laptops)
- Rent arrears and Council tax arrears, but only where there is a clear risk of homelessness (for rent arrears involving a social landlord applicants should outline what support has already been offered to the tenant)
- Contribution to immigration-related costs, where the current immigration status directly causes financial hardship to the applicant.
How to apply: Guidance notes and the application form is available from the COSARAF website
ASDA Foundation Cost of Living Grant
Deadline: 1st February 2023
Types of organisation supported: Any constituted not-for-profit community group that has a good presence in their local community
Size of grant available: £500-£2,000
Priorities: The aim of the grant is to help local community groups cope with the increase in their running costs between September 2022 and February 2023. This includes ‘warm banks’ where groups are planning to keep their facilities open for longer hours to provide local people with a warm, safe place to be rather than heating their homes or living in a cold property. The priorities for funding are:
- Rent and utility bills.
- Food costs, such as community cafes, food parcels, delivered meals, soup kitchens, etc.
How to apply: ASDA Foundation recommends that applicants contact their local store’s Community Champion first, using the store locator on the website, where full guidance is also available.
Aviva Community Fund – Cost of Living Boost (with Crowdfunding)
Please note this is a match-funding initiative delivered in partnership with Crowdfunder and thus not a traditional grant scheme (funds awarded are conditional upon applicants first securing crowdfunding via Crowdfunder’s platform)
Who can apply: Registered charities, community benefit societies and social enterprises
Size of funding available: A maximum of £50,000 match funding is available for each organisation.
Priorities: This initiative forms part of Aviva’s Financial Wellbeing area of focus. This aims to help people take control of their wellbeing by giving them the tools to be more financially independent.
How to apply: Full details on how to apply can be found on the funder’s website including full eligibility criteria and terms and conditions.
British Gas Energy Trust
Who can apply: Individuals who are being supported by a money advice organisation
Size of grant available: Up to £1,500
Priorities: There are two funds available which aim to tackle fuel poverty. Successful applicants will not receive payment, but their household account will be credited. The two funds are:
- Individuals and Families Fund
- British Gas Energy Support Fund – British Gas customers only
How to apply: Full guidance and applications are provided on the British Gas Energy Trust website, where you can also find information about money advice organisations that can offer support.
Crowdfunder UK/Sport England
Who can apply: Local sports clubs, Charities, community, voluntary and social enterprise sector organisations that deliver sport and/or physical activity in their local community, including organisations that are not solely or primarily sports organisations, town or parish councils delivering activity within their communities and educational establishments that provide access for their whole community.
Size of grant available: Up to £10,000
Priorities: You will need a crowdfunding project in order to apply for this funding. If your application is approved, you will receive match funding of 50% up to a value of £10,000. To receive a pledge, you will need to have raised 25% of your initial target and raised it from a minimum number of supporters. Following receipt of a pledge, you will need to raise 100% of your target in order to receive the funds from Sport England. The fund is focussed on recovery, reinvention and building resilience for organisations facing a broad spectrum of issues, including the emerging energy crisis.
How to apply: Full guidance how to start a crowdfunding campaign and more details on the eligibility criteria can be found on the Crowdfunder website
Energy Saving Trust Energy Redress Scheme
Who can apply: Charities, Community Interest Companies, Co-operative societies and Community Benefit Societies.
Size of grant available: The amount of funding available through the scheme is reviewed on a quarterly basis. The minimum grant amount that can be requested is £20,000. The scheme can fund 100% of project costs and can cover revenue and capital costs.
Priorities: The Energy Saving Trust has been appointed by Ofgem to distribute payments from companies who may have breached Ofgem rules. Eligible organisations can apply for funds to deliver energy related projects. These include:
- Supporting energy consumers in vulnerable situations – This core priority aims to help people who are most at risk from cold homes and high energy bills. Occasionally there may be additional priorities linked to a funding round e.g., a specific geographical focus or type of energy consumer. Any additional priorities will be made clear to applicants when a funding round opens
- Innovation projects – Innovative products and services related to energy that have a realistic prospect of delivering benefits to existing and/or future energy consumers and that help to reduce the environmental impact of energy use
- Carbon Emissions Reduction Fund – energy-related activities aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions from energy use. These projects must focus on energy generation, distribution or energy use.
The scheme is not presently designed to support energy saving improvements or energy generation technology in individual community buildings or facilities.
How to apply: More information about applying for funding, including online registration and an application/guidance pack can be found on the funder’s website
B. Get in quick – deadlines are coming up!
1. Funders with a local / regional interest
Enovert Community Trust
Deadline: 9th December 2022
Types of organisation supported: Any constituted not-for-profit / voluntary and community organisation
Size of grant available: Usually up to £50,000
Priorities: Capital funding for community facilities within 10 miles of Enovert’s Kingswinford site. Projects must fall within one of these areas:
- Opening up access for the public to an area of land that has been closed or partially closed
- Cleaning up land that has been polluted because of now ceased activity
- Helping to improve, protect, provide and / or maintain land or a building as a public amenity
- Protecting the environment and conserving or promoting biological diversity
- Helping to preserve, maintain, restore and / or repair a religious building or one of historical or architectural interest
How to apply: Download an application form from the funder’s website. Return completed applications with all paperwork to Angela Haymonds ahaymonds@enovertct.org. You can also request a hard copy application form or discuss your project with Angela first
Further deadlines: 10th March 2023, 2nd June 2023 and 8th September 2023
2. National funders
FCC Communities Foundation – FCC Community Action Fund
Deadline: 7th December 2022
Types of organisation: Registered charity with a community facility, church or parochial church council, parish or town council, local authority, CASC registered sports clubs
Size of grant available: £2,000 – £100,000. All grants require applicants to secure a contributing third party (CTP) payment
Priorities: Funding for projects within 10 miles of the nearest FCC environmental landfill site (Rowley Regis) under Object D – public park or public amenity, or Object DA – conservation or promotion of diversity
How to apply: More information on how to apply and eligibility criteria can be found on the LCC website
The W.G. Edwards Charitable Foundation – W.G. Edwards Charitable Foundation Grant
Deadline: 10th December 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities focussed on supporting people over the age of 65
Size of grant available: £1,000 – £3,000
- Health and welfare – The Foundation gives grants for refurbishment of residential care housing for the elderly and for building projects which are nearing completion. Trustees also consider the provision of equipment and furniture to enhance care and improve quality of life.
- Community and innovation – The Foundation supports community initiatives for the over-65s such as exercise classes, horticultural projects and musical therapy. We also consider grants for technology projects aimed at benefitting the over-65s, however we do not fund IT for staff or volunteers.
How to apply: By email to the trustees. More detail on the website
Lloyd’s of London Foundation Charity Partnerships
Deadline: 11th December 2022
Who can apply: Registered charities only. Charities that can meet all or some of these criteria will be given priority:
- An annual income of below £50 million
- Supporting people and communities directly
- Supporting groups that are at risk or hard to reach
- Demonstrating good governance and due diligence
- Collaborating with other organisations in the sector
- Evidence-based proposals
- Demonstrative long-term stability
- Charities which offer employee engagement opportunities to the Lloyd’s market including business collaboration, fundraising, volunteering, pro-bono support and awareness raising
Size of grant available: £25,000-£50,000
Priorities: Grants are to support projects in the following areas:
- Employability
- Disaster avoidance and relief
- Social mobility
- Mental health
- Climate
How to apply: Download the application guidance and form from the Lloyd’s of London Foundation website and return completed applications to globalcommunityengagement@lloyds.com
Help the Homeless – Help the Homeless Grant
Deadline: 15th December
Types of organisation: Registered charities with an annual turnover less than £1m
Size of grant available: up to £5,000
Priorities: Applications must be for ‘capital projects’. All applications must relate to projects that assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offering shelter or other forms of sustenance.
How to apply: Online application form downloadable from website
Co-Op Foundation – Future Communities Fund
Deadline: 23rd December 2022
Who can apply: Youth-focused not-for-profit organisations with annual income of less than £250,000
Size of grant available: Up to £30,000 per year for five years
Priorities: Funding is to support organisations to build communities that are diverse, equitable and inclusive, prioritising youth activism, shared power and transparent governance. To be eligible, organisations must:
- Have young people’s voices from all backgrounds and abilities at the core of their delivery
- Advocate for diversity and inclusion in all areas of society
- Actively engage with young people from diverse communities in a meaningful and inclusive way
- Have experience of removing barriers and providing opportunities to young people
- Have experience of delivering meaningful youth social action that supports young people into leadership roles
- Be able to demonstrate they have experience of co-operation/collaboration
How to apply: Full details, guidance, information video and access to the first stage application form are available on the funder’s website
The 7Stars Foundation – Shine Bright
Deadline: 31st January 2023
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities with a turnover below £1.5m
Size of grant available: Not stated
Priorities: Grants are awarded to purchase educational and art materials; toys; books; and emotional support items for young people aged 16 and under who have been challenged by abuse; addiction; homelessness; or those who are child carers.
How to apply: Applications are made via 7Stars website
C. No deadlines
1. Funders with a local / regional interest
Dulverton Trust
Who can apply: Any constituted not-for-profit with annual income under £200,000
Size of grant available: £500-£5,000
Priorities: The main aim of the grant programme is to:
- Support local solutions to meet local needs
- Promote community cohesion
- Develop sustainable and supportive communities
- Provide social and educational development opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people
- Support the general conservation and protection of wildlife habitats
- Support the protection of heritage assets and the preservation of heritage skills
How to apply: This fund is managed by Heart of England Community Foundation, which has an online application process through its website
Geoff Hill Charitable Trust
Who can apply: Any constituted not-for-profit, especially small, local community groups
Size of grant available: Usually small amounts
Priorities: Funding can be used for a variety of costs associated with charitable projects in areas including but not limited to:
- Education/training
- Advancement of health or saving of lives
- Disability
- Prevention or relief of poverty
- Religious activities
- Arts/culture/heritage/science
- Amateur sport
- Animals
How to apply: Apply in writing to Geoff Hill Charitable Trust, 7 High Street, Amblecote, DY8 4DE
Grantham Yorke Trust
Who can apply: Registered charities that work with children and young people under the age of 25
Size of grant available: Undefined
Priorities: Grants for projects that benefit children and young people under the age of 25 in the following ways:
- Advancing the education and physical and social training
- Providing financial assistance, outfits, clothing, tools, instruments, equipment or books to help such persons on leaving school, university or other educational establishment, to prepare for, or to enter, a profession, trade or calling
- Promoting or assisting the education or rehabilitation of people who need physical, mental or moral care.
- Preventing juvenile delinquency, the abuse of drugs, alcohol and gambling, the procreation of unwanted children and the neglect or ill-treatment of children
- Supporting young parents
How to apply: Applicants are advised to contact the Trust directly to discuss the likelihood of their project being eligible for a grant. The Trust may then offer to send out an application form. Contact: Grantham Yorke Trust, The Estate Office, Wharf Cottage, Broombank, Newnham Bridge, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire, WR15 8NY. Tel: 07799784019 / email: chrissy@granthamyorketrust.org.uk
Grimmitt Trust
Who can apply: Registered charities. CICs and national charities cannot apply
Size of grant available: Grants range from £2,000-£3,000
Priorities: Community development projects and work that will benefit children and young people in Birmingham and the Black Country
How to apply: Applications can be made at any time and must be made in writing to the Secretary at the Grimmitt Trust. You can also contact the trust for more information by writing to: Grimmitt Trust, 151B All Saints Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 6AT, Tel: 0121 251 2951 / Email: admin@grimmitt-trust.org.uk

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