A thriving local group in Halesowen – 1st Halesowen Scout Group #BeKindDudley

March 30, 2022
Published by Eileen

Many groups make an impact on their local community. Today, we shine a special spotlight on the 1st Halesowen Scout Group, a well-established and thriving local scout group situated just outside Halesowen town centre.

The Scout Group has great links with their local community. As part of the Halesowen Cluster Connect group, their scouts gave us some views on the positives and challenges of living in Halesowen, and their wishes for the future.

For the past two years, the Scouts have offered a free two-course Christmas lunch for those who are living alone, on their own over Christmas, shielding due to Covid-19, have few visitors or are not able to meet friends or family over Christmas. The lunch was delivered to their home on the Sunday before Christmas, ready to be heated in an oven or microwave. In 2021, 100 residents received Christmas meals.

Ian Dale, Scout Leader, has also recently set up a Community Café with two Dementia Friends, Tracy Tomlinson and Sue Hannaford. The Community Café takes place at the Elizabeth Road Scout Centre from 2pm to 4pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Offering free drinks and refreshments, the Café is open to all who want to go along, have a chat, meet new people and make some new friends.  

In November 2021, in partnership with Halesowen BID, the group unveiled their Scouting themed community bench in Halesowen Town Centre, which joins the other brilliantly decorated benches in and around Somers Square, High Street and Peckingham Street.

More recently, a sewing group has been established at the Scout Centre. The sewing group meet every Wednesday morning from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. All are welcome, from novices to any prospective “Great Sewing Bee” contestants!

Before COVID, the group has also regularly helped Halesowen in Bloom and Halesowen BID with litter picking sessions in and around the Town Centre. 

How you could help them 

The group are currently seeking volunteers to support their work with children and young people, so please do get in touch if you would like to help. https://www.1sthalesowenscouts.org.uk/  

Need some inspiration from our Kindness Campaign #bekinddudley? 

Why not visit our storyboard from our 2021 Dudley CVS Kindness Awards to see what local people are doing to be kind to other people and their communities? 


#BeKindDudley – How can you get involved?  

We have put together a few resources and intend to add to these to help you join the wave of kindness across the Dudley borough. You are most welcome to download these or, if you would prefer, you can collect these from our office in Albion Street. 

These include: 

Has someone ever done something kind for you, and all you wanted to do after was pay it forward? That’s because kindness is a chain reaction.  

We would love you to share your stories using our special hashtag on Twitter or Facebook using our hashtag #BeKindDudley. You will see some wonderful posts from those attending our Kindness Awards 2021, but we need your help to keep the kindness flowing.  Why not tell us if you’ve been the recipient of kindness or have done something kind? Share your photos and tell us all about it, or get in touch via email eileenfielding@dudleycvs.org.uk, we’d love to hear from you!

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