Welcome to April’s funding update.
This update is split into two parts. Section A features funders with upcoming deadlines. You’ll find funders with a local or regional focus first, and national funders second. The funders are listed in order of deadline date, soonest first.
Section B features funders who welcome applications at any time. Again, you’ll find funders with a local or regional focus first, and national funders second.
This update can only provide a snapshot of these funders. We recommend visiting the funders’ websites for full details before you apply. Every funder in this list has a website, which you can access by clicking on the name of the funder.
A. Get in quick – deadlines coming up!
1. Funders with a local / regional interest
West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Victims’ Fund
Deadline: 15th May 2022, 9am
Types of organisation supported: Any constituted not-for-profit / voluntary and community organisation
Size of grant available: Up to £20,000
Priorities: The services provided must be linked to those prioritised in the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan, such as:
- Domestic abuse
- Child sexual exploitation
- Stalking
- Harassment
- Female genital mutilation
- Hate crime
- Modern slavery.
How to apply: Download the guidance and application form from the funder’s website and return your completed form and attachments to Chelsea Lloyd at chelsea.lloyd@westmidlands.police.uk Applicants will be notified as to the outcome of their application week commencing 30th May 2022.
FCC Communities Foundation Ltd – FCC Community Action Fund
Deadline: 8th June 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities, community amateur sports clubs (CASCs), local authorities
Size of grant available: £2,000-£100,000
Priorities: Capital funding for community facilities operated by charities or community amateur sports clubs (CASCs) within 10 miles of an FCC site (nearest is Edwin Richards Landfill Site, B65 9DN)
Types of costs funded: Capital
How to apply: Full guidance and application form can be downloaded from the funder’s website
Further deadlines: 7th September 2022 and 7th December 2022
Roger & Douglas Turner Charitable Trust CIO
Deadline: 17th June 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only
Size of grant available: £1,000-£3,000
Priorities: This funder has an interest in supporting the following:
- Children and young people
- Disability and health
- Communities and social support
- Arts
- Hospices
- Environment
- Heritage
Types of costs funded: Project costs, capital costs, but not salaries
How to apply: Download an application form from the funder’s website and return it with supporting documentation to jenny@turnertrust.co.uk
Enovert Community Trust
Deadline: 25th June 2022
Types of organisation supported: Any constituted not-for-profit / voluntary and community organisation
Size of grant available: Usually up to £50,000
Priorities: Capital funding for community facilities within 10 miles of Enovert’s Kingswinford site. Projects must fall within one of these areas:
- Opening up access for the public to an area of land that has been closed or partially closed
- Cleaning up land that has been polluted because of now ceased activity
- Helping to improve, protect, provide and / or maintain land or a building as a public amenity
- Protecting the environment and conserving or promoting biological diversity
- Helping to preserve, maintain, restore and / or repair a religious building or one of historical or architectural interest
How to apply: Download an application form from the funder’s website. Return completed applications with all paperwork to Angela Haymonds ahaymonds@enovertct.org. You can also request a hard copy application form or discuss your project with Angela first
Further deadlines: 9th September 2022 and 9th December 2022.
South Staffs Water Pebble Fund
When to apply: Apply between 1st May and 31st July 2022
Types of organisation supported: Any constituted not-for-profit / voluntary and community organisation
Size of grant available: £500-£10,000
Priorities: Funding for projects that will improve, restore or create habitat within South Staffs Water supply area
How to apply: Using the online application form on the funder’s website
2. National funders
Leeds Building Society Charitable Foundation
Deadline: 30th May 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities with an annual turnover of less than £1million only
Size of grant available: £250-£1,000
Priorities: This funder has an interest in supporting the following:
- Disability
- Homelessness
- Serious ill-health
Types of costs funded: Mostly capital expenditure
How to apply: Using the online form on the funder’s website
D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
Deadline: 15th June 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered, exempt and excepted charities only
Size of grant available: £500-£6,000
Priorities: This funder has an interest in supporting the following:
- Arts
- Health and medical welfare
- Environmental protection or improvement
Types of costs funded: Core costs or project costs
How to apply: Using the online form on the funder’s website
The Toy Trust
Deadline: Mid-June 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities that have been running for a minimum of one year
Size of grant available: Up to £5,000
Priorities: Work with disadvantaged children aged under 13 that can demonstrate how this work has real benefits in relieving hardship and suffering
Types of costs funded: Equipment and services but not salaries, wages and research
How to apply: Online at the funder’s website
Further deadlines: Mid-August and mid-November 2022
Ulversoft Foundation
Deadline: 15th June 2022
Types of organisation supported: Any constituted not-for-profit / voluntary and community organisation
Size of grant available: Any amount. Grants over £10,000 will be subject to more monitoring
Priorities: Projects that support visually impaired people
Types of costs funded: Costs associated with specific projects. Ongoing costs and salaries are not funded
How to apply: Download the application form from the funder’s website
Further deadlines: 15th September and 15th December 2022
Help the Homeless
Deadline: 15th June 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities with turnover below £1million only
Size of grant available: Up to £5,000
Priorities: Projects that work with homeless people to help them return to mainstream society
Types of costs funded: Capital and equipment only, but no computers / IT equipment
How to apply: Download the application form from the funder’s website
Further deadlines: 15th September 2022 and 15th December 2022
Dan Maskell Tennis Trust
Deadline: 21st June 2022
Types of organisation supported: Any group, club or project related to disability tennis
Size of grant available: Up to £1,500 for a group, £500 for an individual
Priorities: Projects that enable disabled people to participate in tennis. The funder offers the following:
- For individuals: equipment such as wheelchairs, tennis racket, tapes and gloves for individual players as well as a grant for costs such as coaching and course fees
- For groups: equipment such as wheelchairs, a package of new equipment for groups, clubs or disability programmes, as well as grants to cover things like court hire and coaching fees
How to apply: Download guidance notes and application forms from the funder’s website
Further deadlines: 18th October 2022
National Churches Trust Cornerstone Grants
Deadline: 4th July 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only
Size of grant available: £10,000-£50,000 (though grants of £40,000 or more are extremely limited). Maximum grant size will be capped at 50% of the total cost of your project
Priorities: Funding is available for churches and Christian places of worship for:
- Urgent structural repair projects that cost over £100,000
- Kitchens and toilet installation to increase community use (the total cost of the project should be over £30,000)
Types of costs funded: Capital
How to apply: Using the online form on the funder’s website
Woodward Charitable Trust small grants
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities and CICs (community interest companies)
When to apply: Apply between 6th June and 29th July 2022 (noon)
Size of grant available: Up to £3,000, but grants are typically for £1,000 or less
Priorities: This funder only considers applications for core costs and are looking for organisations which aim to achieve a positive impact in at least one of the following areas:
- Children and young people who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in anti-social behaviour and projects to help those who have been in the care system. This also covers gang violence and knife crime, education and mentoring as well as projects that work to raise self-esteem and employment opportunities and encourage an active involvement in and contribution towards the local community
- Disadvantaged families, this covers parenting support and guidance, mental health, food poverty, refuges and domestic violence projects
- Prisoners and ex-offenders and specifically projects that maintain and develop contact with prisoners’ families and help with the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or ex-offenders after their release
How to apply: At the funder’s website from 6th June 2022
Volant Charitable Trust – Covid-19 Response Fund
Deadline: 31st July 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities, CICs and social enterprises
Size of grant available: Undefined – values are at the discretion of trustees
Priorities: This fund will award grants for the alleviation of social deprivation and vulnerable groups who have been particularly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic
How to apply: At the funder’s website
B. No deadlines
1. Funders with a local / regional interest
Anthony and Gwendoline Wylde Memorial Charity – small grants
Types of organisation supported: Charitable organisation within the following postcode areas: DY6-11
Size of grant available: Up to £1,000
Priorities: The funder will consider any charitable project which can demonstrate the difference it will make
How to apply: Download an application form from the funder’s website
The Sir John Middlemore Charitable Trust
Types of organisation supported: Any constituted not-for-profit / voluntary and community organisation, especially those with income under £250,000 a year
When to apply: No deadlines. Trustees meet in March, June, September and December to award grants
Size of grant available: Up to £2,000
Priorities: Work in the West Midlands region that supports either of the following:
- Disadvantaged children and young people up to the age of 18
- Disabled children and young people up to the age of 25
How to apply: Download the application form from the funder’s website
2. National funders
Benefact Trust
Types of organisation supported: Christian charities and churches
Size of grant available: Various, depending on the grant programme
Priorities: The funder offers the following grant programmes
- General grants: Mostly capital funding to support the repair, restoration, protection and improvement of churches, cathedrals and other places of Christian worship where changes support wider community use. It also supports projects that help tackle social issues like homelessness, poverty, climate change and cultural cohesion
- Brighter Lives: supports Christian organisations to respond to the long-term impact of Covid-19 on people’s mental health, whatever their faith, or none
- Methodist Grants: will support significant redevelopment projects on buildings which have been identified as key to the future mission objectives of a circuit or district and schemes which bring significant community benefits beyond those to the immediate congregation. This programme will not support essential repairs our routing building maintenance
- Roof Alarm Grants: to help churches protect against metal theft. 50% funding for the cost of a roof alarm up to a maximum of £2,500
How to apply: At the funder’s website, where you will find further information on all of its programmes.
Garfield Weston Foundation – Regular Grants
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities and exempt charities
Size of grant available: Up to £100,000. This funder prefers to fund a proportion of costs, around 10%-30% depending on the type of costs applied for
Priorities: The Foundation supports projects in the following areas:
- Arts
- Community
- Education
- Environment
- Faith
- Health
- Museums and heritage
- Welfare
- Youth
Types of costs supported: Capital, revenue costs and project costs
How to apply: Project proposal of no more than 10 sides of A4, following the guidance notes available on the funder’s website
Black Environment Network
Types of organisation supported: Community groups, schools and individuals
Size of grant available: Up to £500
Priorities: Supports innovative environmental projects that involve people from ethnic minority communities
How to apply: Download application form from the funder’s website
Localgiving Foundation Magic Little Grants 2022
Types of organisation supported: Small charities and community groups registered with Localgiving (you can register with Localgiving in order to apply. See the website for terms, conditions and costs)
Size of grant available: Up to £500
Priorities: Will support projects that:
- Improve mental wellbeing
- Enable community participation in the arts
- Prevent or reduce the impact of poverty
- Support marginalised groups and promote equality
- Improve biodiversity and green spaces
- Enable participation in physical activity
- Respond to the climate emergency and promote sustainability
- Increase community access to outdoor space
How to apply: At the funder’s website
Anton Jurgens Charitable Trust
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only
Size of grant available: £1,500-£7,000
Priorities: Supports projects that support socially disadvantaged and disabled people of all ages
How to apply: At the funder’s website
ASDA Foundation – Refugee Support Grant
Types of organisation supported: Constituted not-for-profit / voluntary and community organisations
Size of grant available: £500-£1,500
Priorities: Will support the broad range of community needs to help refugees arriving in the UK. Examples of what could be funded include:
- Essentials packs for families arriving in the community
- Home starter-packs
- Items for a clothes bank
- English language classes
- Youth clubs and pre-school playschemes
How to apply: Use the ASDA Foundation website to locate your local store and speak to the Community Champion there
Bally’s Foundation
Types of organisation supported: Predominantly registered charities. Organisations that can demonstrate they have a social purpose and do not distribute profits could also apply. Organisations need to have an annual income of at least £50,000
Size of grant availble: Undefined
Priorities: Will support projects that focus on alleviating mental health issues. This includes addiction and conditions of emotional or mental distress requiring support or treatment. It also includes mental health issues caused by social isolation, homelessness, bereavement and suicide
How to apply: At the funder’s website
Home Instead Charities UK
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities and community groups
Size of grant available: Up to £1,500 for registered charities and up to £500 for community groups
Priorities: Will support activities and projects that further the needs of older people (aged 55 and over) through wellbeing activities and programmes to prevent social isolation and loneliness. Priority is given to projects supported by a local Home Instead office. Specifically, the funder would like to fund:
- Regular events and activities such as a weekly cinema club, weekly knit and natter or lunch clubs
- One-off activities such as a day trip or Christmas lunch
- Activities such as yoga or a guest speaker
Types of costs funded: Project costs only. No salaries, core costs or capital costs
How to apply: At the funder’s website

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