Black Country Integrated Care System (ICS) Development Workshops

January 28, 2022
Published by Dudley CVS

Over the next three months, Black Country Integrated Care System (ICS) will be hosting a series of virtual workshops, to update stakeholders on the proposed changes to ICSs and what this means for staff and patients within their system.

The workshops will be led by Jonathan Fellows, Integrated Care Board Chair Designate and Mark Axcell Integrated Care Board CEO Designate (Interim).

Each workshop has been themed to guide you through the transition journey to date, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the preparation and progress that has been made locally, as well as the purpose and benefits for integrating health and care across the Black Country.

Workshop 1: What does the Health and Care Bill mean for the Black Country?
28 February, 14:00 – 15:30pm

  • What is an Integrated Care System/ Integrated Care Board/ Integrated Care Partnership?
  • What is our Integrated Care System vision?

Workshop 2: Understanding our priorities
24 March, 14:00 – 15:30pm

  • Local people and their health needs.
  • What are our priorities for the system?

Workshop 3: How will the system take action to improve the health and care of local people?
19 May, 14:00 – 15:30pm

  • How will the Integrated Care Board governance work?
  • How will we hear the voices of local people and communities?

Stakeholders are encouraged to attend, including health and care staff from NHS and Local Authorities, primary care colleagues, community and voluntary sector partners, patient and public representatives.

Book your place on Eventbrite.

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