Skills Training are offering the following opportunity:
If you are working with anyone who is 18+, struggling with confidence/self-esteem or is just unsure on their career pathway and would benefit from developing transferrable and soft skills, this is a great opportunity for them. In addition, they will gain a Level 2 Customer Service qualification with Skills Training and complete 2 days a week for 12 weeks with The Black Country Living Museum is one of the many placements on offer. They will be offered the chance to select which placement they would like to do.
The closing date for applications is 5th May 2023, however please still get in touch after this date as there may still be opportunities available.
Contact: Ruth Speake, Skills Training, 07435 608356/

Dudley CVS Achieves Local Infrastructure Quality Accreditation (LIQA)

Celebrating 50 years of Community Action – Dudley CVS AGM and Community Awards

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Integrated Plus Newsletter May 2024