The Community Environment Fund will provide close to £1m of grant funding to communities delivering initiatives that improve the environment and people’s lives. WMCA will fund approximately 30 small grants up to £25,000 and 5 large grants up to £100,000.
The themes of the Community Environment Fund will include natural environment, access to green and blue space, climate adaptation, circular economy, environment awareness. This builds on the recently closed WMCA Community Green Grants programme that provided £725,000 to communities for delivering better access to green space.
For information on how to access the fund, and to see examples of the projects funded through the Community Green Grants.
At the launch event you’ll hear from Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands and WMCA chair, representatives of recent projects funded by WMCA to provide inspiration for applicants, as well as details from the WMCA’s Environment Team on how the Fund will be delivered. There will also be a free tree giveaway.

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Integrated Plus Newsletter May 2024