We are building resources to help not-for-profits and individuals (see funders under Individuals heading).
The following funders are supporting not-for-profits during the Coronavirus pandemic:
This article was last updated on 24th March 2022.
Active Black Country Tackling Inequalities Fund
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Local Fund providing grants up to £10,000 for a range of sports and non-traditional physical activities addressing skill shortages due to the Coronavirus pandemic or organisational development needs to increase capacity, resilience and capability.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support organisations experiencing short term financial hardship if their usual operations/services have been negatively impacted by Covid-19; help organisations restart and adapt activities or find new ways to deliver initiatives to keep people active.
- Additional information: Target audiences locally are Black, Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities, people with long-term health conditions, disabled people and mental health with dedicated one to one support available by emailing jennifer_oakes@blackcountryconsortium.co.uk.
- Contact details: Amy Baker Local Partnership Lead Officer for Communities at the Black Country Consortium Ltd., telephone: 08458 151515. Email: amy_baker@blackcountryconsortium.co.uk Website: www.activeblackcountry.co.uk/covid19/emergency-funding
Alpkit Foundation Go Nice Places, Do Good Things
- Organisations/individuals can apply at any time, trustees meet every two months. Current priority during the Coronavirus pandemic is to support projects that demonstrate an immediate impact on those affected by Covid-19.
- Size of grant available: £50-£500 removing barriers to people getting outdoors/experiencing wild places tackling community response to Covid 19, diversity and inclusion, participation, education, conservation, protection of the natural environment and health/wellbeing.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Work with people affected by the Coronavirus pandemic supporting the elderly/vulnerable, foodbanks, homelessness/those in temporary accommodation and minimising impact of self-isolation for those in quarantine needing access to food, medicines or care.
- Additional information: Preference will be given to activities that demonstrate best value for money encouraging more people to get outdoors engaging them in responsible outdoor activities with longlasting benefits.
- Contact details: Telephone 01773 417007. Email: akf@alpkit.com Websites: www.alpkit.com/foundation#apply or https://alpkit.com/blogs/foundation/adapting-to-the-coranavirus-crisis
Barclays Foundation COVID-19 Community Aid Package
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: £100M fund made up of 2 components of £50M each for charitable organisations and by matching personal donations from employees to local charities of their choice supporting communities impacted by COVID-19.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support organisations working with vulnerable communities and disadvantaged/elderly people suffering from social/economic deprivation impacted by COVID-19 alleviating hardship caused by the crisis.
- Additional information: Funding to be targeted at programmes local to Barclays Bank major locations where staff live/work and where they can support NHS staff and other keyworker communities.
- Website: https://home.barclays/news/press-releases/2020/04/barclays-launches-p100-million-covid-19-community-aid-package
British & Foreign School Society
- £900,000 available annually and there is a two-stage application process with two grant rounds per year (Autumn 2022 stage one deadline 13th July and, if invited, stage two deadline mid August for Grants Committee Meeting 12th October). Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their application once they have completed it rather than wait for the deadline.
- Size of grant available: £30,000-£100,000 (up to five years) with a maximum of £30,000 per annum for new or innovative interventions that are evidence based improving educational outcomes and life chances of young carers and care experienced young people aged under 25.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Improve access to education/quality of education for vulnerable or deprived children/young people aged under 25.
- Additional information: Only small/medium sized registered charities with annual income £25,000-£2.5M can apply for new/innovative approaches or proven solutions that directly address the impact of Covid-19 on young carers/care experienced young people working to close the widening disadvantage gap they have been or are experiencing.
- Contact details: Telephone 020 7922 7814. Email: grants@bfss.org.uk Website: https://bfss.org.uk/grant-giving/uk-criteria
Co-operatives UK Limited Community Shares Booster Programme ReBoost fund
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Development grants up to £5,000 and Match Equity Investment up to £25,000 once the minimum share offer target is achieved.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support community businesses prepare a community share offer to help in their recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Contact details: Website: www.uk.coop/start-new-co-op/support/community-shares/booster-programme/apply
Dudley MBC Covid Grant funding
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Up to £700 small one off grants.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Community groups who are supporting carers.
- Contact details: Nicola McGregor (Assistant Team Manager – Carers Dudley Carers Hub & Wellbeing Service), telephone 01384 818723. Email: Nicola.mcgregor@dudley.gov.uk
Football Foundation Return to Disability Football Fund
- For more information or to arrange an interview regarding an application send an email (details below).
- Size of grant available: £300,000 fund providing grants up to £1,000 to help clubs and organisations support disabled people so they can return to playing football following the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support disabled people who have been adversely affected by Covid-19 directly impacting their participation in disability football enabling them to return to playing again improving their physical health, mental wellbeing and social connections.
- Additional information: Only clubs/organisations that had an FA affiliated disability team during the 2019/20 or 2020/21 seasons can apply to help them restart or deliver a new activity.
- Contact details: Telephone: 0345 345 4555. Email: Communications.Team@footballfoundation.org.uk Website: https://footballfoundation.org.uk/news/football-foundation-launches-new-return-to-disability-football-fund
Foyle Foundation Small Grants Scheme
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: £1,000-£10,000 for one year to cover core costs/essential equipment to enable ongoing service provision, home-working or delivery of online digital services during the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support various activities/projects at grass roots/local community level for organisations that can show financial viability/stability working with disadvantaged vulnerable young/elderly people or the wider community directly or through online support.
- Additional information: Only small registered charities with annual turnover below £150,000 that can demonstrate ongoing sustainability in the current uncertain climate can apply.
- Contact details: Telephone 020 7430 9119. Email: sgs@foylefoundation.org.uk Website: www.foylefoundation.org.uk/small-grants-scheme
Hobson Charity Limited
- Apply any time, due to the Coronavirus pandemic they are focusing their attention on urgent Covid-19 related applications from frontline registered or exempt charities.
- Size of grant available: Grants must be spent within 18 months and approximately £1.2M per annum is available (in 2019/20 the average grant was £5,285). NB salaries/core running costs are not eligible for funding.
- Aims/outcomes of funder: Advance education; relief of poverty, suffering and distress in the interests of people’s social welfare.
- Contact details: Mark Turner (Administrator), telephone: 020 3880 6425. Email: post@hobsoncharity.org.uk Website: https://hobsoncharity.org.uk/how-to-apply
Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
- Apply for all four grants programmes by 28th March or 14th November 2022 with decisions week commencing 11th July 2022 and 20th March 2023 (August grant round will not be opening).
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Peace and security built on values of equality, human rights, justice and environmental sustainability; power and accountability with a strong commitment to equality; rights and justice guaranteeing equal treatment for all people; sustainable future.
- Additional information: Support work responding to the dual harms of the Coronavirus pandemic and systemic racism within/across existing programme areas building support for transformative social change based on justice, peace and sustainability.
- Contact details: Telephone 01904 627810. Email: enquiries@jrct.org.uk Website: www.jrct.org.uk/what-we-fund
Lloyds Bank Foundation Racial Equity
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Two-year unrestricted grants of £50,000 alongside organisational development support for small/local registered charities with annual income £25,000-£1M led by and for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Address existing deep-rooted/systemic inequalities affecting minority communities less well served by mainstream provision and disproportionately affected by the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Additional information: Applications must address at least one of the eleven complex social issues.
- Contact details: Telephone: 0370 411 1223. Email: enquiries@lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk Website: www.lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk/we-fund/racial-equity?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=RE_2021
Lloyds Bank Foundation Renew Fund
- Apply any time
- Size of grant available: Two-year unrestricted grants of £50,000 providing organisations with greater flexibility over how they use their resources alongside development support from local Regional Managers to help build organisational capacity and improve resilience and sustainability.
- Aims/outcomes of funder: Support people aged 17+ overcome complex social issues (local Dudley borough priorities are mental health and domestic/sexual abuse) helping them on a journey of positive change through in-depth, holistic, targeted and person-centred support.
- Additional information: Only small/medium-sized local registered charities running for at least one year with annual income £25,000-£1M can apply so they can recover and renew beyond the immediate crisis of the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Contact details: Telephone 0370 411 1223. Email: enquiries@lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk Website: www.lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk/we-fund
Margaret Dobson Further Education Trust
- Apply by 31st March annually in time for trustee meeting in June.
- Size of grant available: Up to £5,000 for disadvantaged young people adversely affected by the Coronavirus pandemic/its implications enabling them to gain transferable life skills so they can access support/accredited training and get employment experience improving confidence.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support work promoting education, learning, training, recreation and rehabilitation for young adults aged 18-25 with learning disabilities/in social or economic need providing them with practical skills preparing them to lead more independent lives.
- Additional information: Only registered charities, Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) or Community Interest Companies (CICs) with turnover below £1M a year can apply.
- Contact details: Sharon Shortland (Secretary), telephone: 01406 420153. Email: secretarymdt@gmail.com Website: www.margaretdobsontrust.btck.co.uk/Howtoapply
Mercers Charitable Foundation Older People and Housing grants 2020/21
- Apply any time.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support work enabling older people to adjust to the challenges of ageing addressing loneliness which has become even more critical for them during the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Contact details: Telephone 020 7726 4991. Email: info@mercers.co.uk Website: https://mercersphilanthropy.co.uk/programmes/older-people-housing/what-we-want-to-achieve
National Heritage Memorial Fund COVID-19 Response Fund
- Submit an Expression of Interest at any time until the end of April 2023.
- Size of grant available: £40M fund providing project grants to support heritage assets of outstanding importance that are at risk due to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Aims/outcomes of funder: Grants can be used to fund projects such as works of fine/decorative art, museum collections, archives, manuscripts, items of industrial, transport and maritime heritage and historic buildings/land.
- Additional information: £20M of this fund has been made available by National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF) for applicants from across the UK plus a further £20M provided by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) through the Cultural Assets Fund to safeguard nationally important heritage assets within England.
- Contact details: Vanessa Wells (Senior NHMF Manager) OR Suzanne Baker (NHMF Manager), telephone 020 7591 6044/6615/6008. Email: nhmf-enquiries@heritagefund.org.uk or Vanessa.Wells@heritagefund.org.uk or Suzanne.Baker@heritagefund.org.uk Website: www.nhmf.org.uk/funding/covid-19-response-fund
National Lottery Community Fund Awards for All England
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: £300-£10,000 for up to one year so that organisations continue to deliver activities by responding to crisis in communities helping recovery or changing/adapting their activities so that they become more resilient to respond to new/future challenges.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support communities and people most adversely impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic so that communities thrive through stronger relationships, their places/spaces that matter to them are improved and more people reach their potential through early support.
- Additional information: Until 31st March 2022 applications celebrating the Platinum Jubilee will be accepted prioritising strong projects promoting relationships across generations, developing skills/experiences of communities or encouraging the care of/action in the natural world as part of the celebrations either as one-off events on the day of the Jubilee or regular activities leading up to the Jubilee.
- Contact details: Telephone 0345 4 10 20 30. Email: general.enquiries@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk Website: www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/funding/programmes/national-lottery-awards-for-all-england
National Lottery Community Fund Partnerships
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Above £10,000 for up to five years so that organisations continue to deliver activities by responding to crisis in communities helping recovery or changing/adapting their activities so that they become more resilient to respond to new/future challenges.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support communities and people most adversely impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic so that communities thrive through stronger relationships, their places/spaces that matter to them are improved and more people reach their potential through early support.
- Additional information: Projects/activities should be led by beneficiaries as when people are in the lead communities thrive by involving them from the start and building on their strengths so they feel connected to their communities.
- Contact details: Telephone 028 9568 0143. Email: general.enquiries@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk Website: www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/funding/programmes/partnerships-england
National Lottery Community Fund Reaching Communities England
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Above £10,000 (up to 5 years) so that organisations continue to deliver activities by responding to the immediate crisis in communities helping recovery or changing/adapting activities so that they become more resilient to respond to new/future challenges.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support people and communities most adversely impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic so that communities thrive through stronger relationships, their places/spaces that matter to them are improved and more people reach their potential through early support.
- Additional information: Projects/activities should be led by beneficiaries as when people are in the lead communities thrive by involving them from the start and building on their strengths so they feel connected to their communities.
- Contact details: Telephone 028 9568 0143. Email: general.enquiries@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk Website: www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/funding/programmes/reaching-communities-england
National Lottery Heritage Fund Dynamic Collections
- Apply any time up to 31st March 2023.
- Size of grant available: Up to £250,000 supporting digital resources and knowledge sharing addressing long-term challenges that have been made worse by the Coronavirus pandemic changing needs of communities reflecting people’s history and experiences.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support collecting organisations become more inclusive and resilient building on innovative ideas and trends (particularly in digital engagement) focusing on engagement, re-interpretation and collections management bringing to life stories of people/communities.
- Additional information: This programme is primarily aimed at collecting organisations such as accredited and non-accredited museums, archives, historic libraries and community organisations that hold collections or are working in partnership to develop a collection-based project.
- Contact details: Telephone 0121 393 4734. Email: midlandsandeast@heritagefund.org.uk Website: www.heritagefund.org.uk/our-work/dynamic-collections#:~:text=Our%20Dynamic%20Collections%20campaign%20will,(COVID%2D19)%20pandemic
Paul Hamlyn Foundation Arts Access and Participation Fund
- Apply any time through a two-stage process (12% success rate).
- Size of grant available: £30,000-£400,000 for 1-4 years (most grants £60,000-£250,000) supporting communities experiencing inequalities of opportunity to access and participate in the arts facing long-term structural/systemic inequalities disproportionately affected by Covid-19.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support arts/culture work involving crafts, dance, design, digital arts, media, film, literature (including creative writing/poetry), music, opera, photography, theatre, visual arts and cross-arts practices.
- Additional information: Prioritise support to organisations that are led by/work with people most affected by systemic oppression and/or discrimination: Black, Asian and other groups experiencing racism; deaf, disabled and neurodiverse people who experience the effects of ableism; LGBTQ+ community identifying as being at the intersections of several minoritised identities; people from economically marginalised communities or experiencing poverty.
- Contact details: Telephone 020 7812 3300. Email: information@phf.org.uk Website: www.phf.org.uk/funds/access-and-participation-fund
Paul Hamlyn Foundation Arts-based Learning Fund
- Apply any time through a two-stage process.
- Size of grant available: £30,000-£400,000 for 2-3 years (most grants £150,000-£250,000) supporting children/young people affected by the coronavirus pandemic in formal education settings experiencing systemic inequality/disadvantage so they can thrive through arts-based learning.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support arts-based content/approaches for pupils to secure access to or enhance engagement with the curriculum addressing disruption to education due to Covid-19 resulting in significant learning loss disproportionately impacting their education.
- Additional information: Support strong partnerships between education settings and the arts/cultural sectors to help pupils whose mental health/wellbeing has been adversely affected experiencing barriers to engaging in education/learning resulting in a huge impact on life chances of children/young people.
- Contact details: Telephone 020 7812 3300. Email: information@phf.org.uk Website: www.phf.org.uk/funds/arts-based-learning-fund
Radcliffe Trust
- Apply by 31st January/July each year for meetings in June and December.
- Size of grant available: £2,500-£7,500 one year grants for innovative, imaginative and creative projects developed in response to the current challenging times as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic delivering activities safely and successfully.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Classical music performance/training (chamber music, composition and music education) for children/adults with special needs; development/practice of skills, knowledge and experience in heritage and crafts.
- Additional information: Only registered charities can apply.
- Contact details: The Trust Partnership (administrators of the charity), telephone 01285 841900. Email: radcliffe@thetrustpartnership.com Website: http://theradcliffetrust.org/guidelines
Serco Foundation Trust
- Apply any time by sending Theresa Comiskey a short (one/two line) e-mail explaining the work being carried out in response to Coronavirus.
- Size of grant available: £1,000-£5,000
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Funding is available to any organisations helping/supporting vulnerable adults such as foodbanks offering supplies to isolated people, work caring for elderly/disabled people, community/religious centres providing mental/physical care to people in need and help for parents while schools are shut.
- Additional information: A Serco employee is required to put forward a nomination on behalf of the applicant if invited to apply. Contact details: Theresa Comiskey, telephone 07718 193934. Email: theresa.comiskey@serco.com
Social Investment Business Foundation (SIB) Recovery Loan Fund
- Apply by 20th May 2022.
- Size of grant available: Provide loans £100,000-£1.5M (one-six years with 7.9% fixed interest rate) to charities/social enterprises that have been impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic and need funds to help them to survive, recover and grow.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support organisations that have been actively operating for at least two years with minimum annual turnover £400,000 improving people’s lives or the environment they live in.
- Additional information: SIB run the Recovery Loan Scheme (Government guarantee scheme) to make finance more easily accessible to charities and social enterprises currently working with experienced social investor partners Big Issue Invest, Charity Bank, Key Fund, Resonance and Fusion21.
- Contact details: Telephone 020 3096 7900. Email: RLF@sibgroup.org.uk Website: www.sibgroup.org.uk/recovery-loan-fund
Sport England Return to Play: Active Together
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: £7.5M fund providing matched funded grants up to £10,000 to help sports clubs/organisations set up and run crowdfunding campaigns during the Coronavirus pandemic to address loss of income due to Covid-19.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support local sports clubs/organisations facing financial hardship due to the Coronavirus pandemic by helping them with their cash flow and diversifying their funding streams to improve their sustainability through the Covid-19 crisis.
- Additional information: Programme being delivered in partnership with Crowdfunder, see website www.crowdfunder.co.uk/sports for details.
- Contact details: Telephone 0345 8508 508. Email: funding@sportengland.org Website: www.sportengland.org/how-we-can-help/our-funds/return-play-active-together
Swire Charitable Trust Covid-19 Recovery Programme
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: £1.5M fund offering one year grants up to £25,000 to organisations facing unprecedented demand for their services providing a critical response to the Coronavirus pandemic addressing clear Covid-19 related need or those facing funding pressures/challenges.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support organisations working with marginalised/vulnerable people.
- Additional information: Only registered charities operating in the most disadvantaged areas can apply.
- Contact details: Sarah Irving (Grants Manager) or Jo Trew (Grants & Administration Officer), telephone 020 7963 9423. Email: info@scts.org.uk Website: www.swirecharitabletrust.org.uk/our-work
Sylvia Waddilove Foundation UK COVID–19 Emergency Fund
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Up to £1,000 for small/medium sized organisations with annual income below £500,000 in a critical position struggling to manage the financial impact of the Coronavirus pandemic due to increased demand for their services/loss of income.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Education relating to non-domestic animals; visual/performing arts; medical research; relief of disability or severe illness; accommodation of people in need.
- Contact details: Telephone 020 7821 8211. Email: waddilove@pwwsolicitors.co.uk Website: www.pwwsolicitors.co.uk/charity-grants/13-the-sylvia-waddilove-foundation-uk
Theatres Trust Charitable Fund Small Grants Programme
- Apply by 3rd May 2022 with decision by end of June (send digital application by email to grants@theatrestrust.org.uk).
- Size of grant available: Up to £5,000 for small capital works such as installation of key plant and machinery, work that makes theatre buildings digital-ready and projects that help theatres reopen in a Covid-secure manner.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support small projects/essential works that make a big impact to a theatre’s resilience, sustainability or accessibility enabling them to be viable and thrive in the future prioritising work that removes barriers to participation and attendance.
- Additional information: Applicants must own or manage their theatre and, if lease in place, there has to be more than five years remaining on it.
- Contact details: Tom Stickland (Theatres Adviser), telephone 020 7836 8591. Email: tom.stickland@theatrestrust.org.uk Website: www.theatrestrust.org.uk/smallgrants
True Colours Trust Small Grants
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Up to £10,000 for specialised play equipment/access to play and leisure so that projects are Covid-19 compliant, minibuses, PPE, digital services and technology, physical changes to spaces and renovation, upgrade or additional equipment for hydrotherapy pools and multi-sensory rooms.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support work with disabled children/young people aged up to 25 and those with life-limiting conditions as well as their families/siblings providing bereavement and family support as well as respite for the whole family.
- Additional information: Only small local registered charities and Community Interest Companies (CICs) with annual income below £350,000 can apply and there is a particular interest for work with children/families from Black Asian and Minority Ethnic communities operating in areas of high deprivation.
- Contact details: Telephone: 020 7410 0330. Email: info@truecolourstrust.org.uk Website: www.truecolourstrust.org.uk/small-grants-uk
Versus Arthritis Inspiring Active Communities
- Apply any time (grants should be spent within six months of being awarded).
- Size of grant available: £325,000 fund offering grants £1,000-£5,000 for work with people who have long-term health conditions to get active welcoming applications from organisations working with lower socio-economic groups, culturally diverse communities and disabled people.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support projects addressing the negative impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic helping organisations recover from the long-term impact of COVID-19.
- Additional information: Fund launched in partnership with Sport England’s Together Fund.
- Contact details: Sophie Priestly (Trusts Manager) or Ashleigh Ahlquist (Physical Activity Manager), telephone 0800 5200 520. Email: PhysicalActivityVA@versusarthritis.org Website: www.versusarthritis.org/news/2020/october/inspiring-active-communities-in-england-how-to-apply-for-funding
Volant Charitable Trust Covid-19 Response Fund
- Apply 1st January-31st July 2022 for decision by October.
- Size of grant available: Grants are made at the sole discretion of the Trustees for project or core costs including the purchase of medical equipment or PPE in connection with Covid-19.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support projects demonstrating a strong focus on alleviating social deprivation/helping vulnerable groups who have been particularly impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Contact details: Website: www.volanttrust.org/how-to-apply-covid-19
Waitrose & Partners Community Support Fund
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: £1M fund to be distributed by Waitrose shops to local communities by teams in each shop working together with their communities to choose the best way to use the fund.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support people in need who are self-isolating, vulnerable, elderly and those looking after these people in local communities during the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Contact details: Telephone 0800 188 884. E-mail: community.matters@waitrose.co.uk Website: https://waitrose.pressarea.com/pressrelease/details/78/NEWS_13/12169
Will Charitable Trust Covid recovery
- Apply any time (trustee meetings will be held at least three times a year).
- Size of grant available: Up to £10,000 for core funding/ongoing costs demonstrating a clear need for unrestricted rather than project funding as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic where income streams have been affected for some time/reserves are substantially depleted.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Care of/services for blind people and prevention/cure of blindness; long-term care of people with learning disabilities; care of and services for people suffering from cancer and their families.
- Additional information: Priority for small registered charities with low annual turnover.
- Contact: Telephone 020 8941 0450. Email: grantsoffice@willcharitabletrust.org.uk or admin@willcharitabletrust.org.uk Website: www.willcharitabletrust.org.uk/2021-2022-grants.htm#additional-guidance
Yorkshire Building Society Charitable Foundation Small Change Big Difference
- Once recommendation received from members or staff the Foundation will contact the charity for further information pending quarterly trustee meetings in January, April, July and October (deadlines 31st December, 31st March, 30th June and 30th September).
- Size of grant available: £250-£2,000 for specific projects and/or items that will have a positive impact on beneficiaries living in areas that have high levels of deprivation and, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, will also support running costs.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Priority areas are alleviating poverty and improving health/saving lives supporting children, those who are seriously ill as well as elderly, homeless and disabled people.
- Additional information: Only registered charities in areas experiencing high levels of deprivation recommended by members/staff can apply therefore potential applicants are advised to contact their local branch who may nominate them for a grant donation.
- Contact details: The only branch in the Dudley borough is at 58 High Street, Stourbridge DY8 1DE, telephone 01384 500168. Email: stourbridge@ybs.co.uk Website: www.ybs.co.uk/your-society/charitable-foundation/index.html
The following funders are supporting individuals during the Coronavirus pandemic:
Badley Memorial Trust
- Apply any time, trustees meet quarterly in February, May, August and November.
- Size of grant available: Small grants averaging £400 in 2018/19 for bedding, clothing, medical/other aids, washing machines and cooking facilities.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support sick, convalescent and disabled people focusing on mental health conditions, hearing, visual or communication impairments, physical/learning difficulties/disabilities and autism amongst adults, the elderly and children/young people.
- Contact details: Ms Kirsty McEwen (Clerk to the Trustees), telephone: 01384 327322. Email: kirsty.mcewen@higgsandsons.co.uk
Care Workers’ Charity COVID-19 Emergency Fund
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Up to £250 for care workers unable to work for one week and up to £500 for those unable to work for two weeks as well as funeral costs of a next of kin (partner, parent, sibling, child or another person on a case-by-case basis).
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Provide emergency funding for currently employed care workers who must take time off work due to COVID-19 for either illness/self-isolation or who require support with funeral costs.
- Additional information: Only applicants working in the provision of adult, elderly or disability care in residential social care, domiciliary and home care or supported living care can apply.
- Contact details: Telephone 020 8037 0925. Email: info@thecwc.org.uk Website: www.thecareworkerscharity.org.uk/covid-19-application-options
Family Fund BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme
- Apply any time however temporarily unable to accept new applications in the North/Central regions due to exceptionally high demand for these grants.
- Size of grant available: Will consider any grant request for items that meet a child/young person’s most basic needs such as a bed to sleep in, a cooker to provide hot meals or other items/services critical to their wellbeing.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support vulnerable children/young people aged up to 18 facing exceptionally difficult circumstances or are in crisis (living in severe poverty/affected by social issues) and their families who are also experiencing a crisis/emergency or poverty/destitution.
- Additional information: Applications must be completed by a registered referrer such as a social worker, teacher, GP, nurse or housing/tenancy support worker who supports the family/child/young person and is capable of assessing their needs.
- Contact details: Telephone 01904 550011. Email: emergencyessentials@familyfundservices.co.uk Website: www.familyfundservices.co.uk/emergency-essentials
Friends of the Elderly Grants For Older People in Financial Need
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Up to £400/£500 for home essentials/living costs/small repairs, mobility adaptations, digital connection to go online, purchase of equipment (tablets or smartphones) and financial support for unexpected bills or large costs (utility bills, funeral costs etc.).
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support vulnerable older people of state pension age who are in need/living on low incomes with savings of less than £4,000 living In privately owned/rented accommodation or social housing.
- Additional information: Applications can only be made through third-party referral agents such as local authorities, social services, health/social care teams or keyworkers, health centres, charities/community organisations, Citizen’s Advice, Age UK, housing associations or cultural/religious centres e.g. churches, mosques, temples etc. and the referral agent must know the beneficiary in a professional/community capacity.
- Contact details: Telephone 0330 332 1110. Email: hello@fote.org.uk Website: www.fote.org.uk/our-charity-work/grants-2
Happy Days Children’s Charity Happy Days Covid Family Support Project
- Apply any time.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support families of children with special educational needs and disabilities impacted by or have suffered from the Coronavirus pandemic experiencing bereavement affecting their mental health and also families affected financially through unemployment etc.
- Additional information: Only parents/guardians needing support can apply.
- Contact details: Ryan or Rob 01462 530710. Email: enquiries@happydayscharity.org Website: www.happydayscharity.org/covidfamilysupport
Smallwood Trust Grants to Individuals
- Apply any time.
- Size of grant available: Small one off grants as a contribution towards a priority need (see Additional information below) so that women can cope with adversity and maintain their independence.
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support women on low income trying to overcome financial difficulties helping them achieve financial stability by relieving hardship through employment pathways (addressing loss of income), housing needs and mental health/well-being.
- Additional information: Grants available for women aged over 50 facing financial difficulties or have been affected by domestic violence/abuse on low or reduced income (as a direct result of the Coronavirus pandemic) and in receipt of benefits with savings/capital below £2,000/combined priority debt (rent, council tax and utility arrears) below £3,000.
- Contact details: Telephone: 0300 365 1886. Email: info@smallwoodtrust.org.uk Website: www.smallwoodtrust.org.uk/grants-individuals

Dudley CVS Achieves Local Infrastructure Quality Accreditation (LIQA)

Celebrating 50 years of Community Action – Dudley CVS AGM and Community Awards

Welcoming Grace to the team at Dudley CVS

Integrated Plus Newsletter May 2024