As part of the Commonwealth Games Legacy Enhancement Fund (CWGLEF), Dudley CVS in conjunction with Brierley Hill Community Forum and Dudley MBC are looking to deliver two projects that align with the funding aims detailed below:
Creative Commissions
(cultural engagement and co-creation with local stakeholders and residents)
Cultural engagement, communities and social value
Projects should link to one or more of the key impacts:
● Residents have the opportunity to engage with a relevant creative and heritage offer
● Residents to benefit from and participate in a co-created cultural offer
● Increased cultural engagement between local authorities and co creation.
(place-based culture and heritage activity grants including small scale feasibility)
Civic pride and placemaking
Projects should link to one or more of the key impacts:
● High levels of civic pride and community cohesion through high quality cultural and heritage activity
● Residents have the opportunity to engage with a relevant creative and heritage offer
● Residents to benefit from and participate in placed based cultural and heritage activity
Projects are to be delivered before the end of December 2024.
Community engagement events, workshops or creative consultation activities that engage local people to gather feedback on activities that have taken place over the past two years. Identify what worked and drew the most engagement, what could be improved on and any gaps.
The project should also work on the co-creation of ideas for future activities and events that could be rolled out with local creatives and community members, by building resilience, longevity and encouraging a greater opportunity for co creation or cultural and heritage activity.
As part of the proposal, we would also like to see some gathering of data including footfall and demographics of people living and using the area so that future designs can ensure inclusivity and mapping to the needs and interests of local people.
The delivery of a Winter Themed event. This may have elements of Christmas activity but should embrace cultural diversity.
Projects should complement other events happening around the festive period. They should not duplicate any other events taking place or be in competition to them.
Projects should ensure there is the opportunity for local people to have the chance to engage with theme ‘the Winter’ period using both creative and heritage activities.
Ideas may include; photography past and present, what the winter means to different cultures / people, winter foods and cooking, performances (bringing people together, reducing social isolation).
These are just ideas! We are looking for an innovative project which will encourage civic pride and community cohesion through high quality cultural and heritage activity. Be as creative as you can!!
The maximum funding for each project is £10,000.
Please click here to download an expression on interest form. The closing date for your expressions of interest is 27th August 2024 at 5pm.
For informal discussions/more information please contact: or
The ‘Expression of Interest’ headings should be completed – with no more than two A4 sides.