July’s Funding News

July 27, 2022
Published by Dudley CVS

Welcome to July’s funding update.

This update is split into two parts. Section A features funders with upcoming deadlines. You’ll find funders with a local or regional focus first, and national funders second. The funders are listed in order of deadline date, soonest first.

Section B features funders who welcome applications at any time. Again, you’ll find funders with a local or regional focus first, and national funders second.

This update can only provide a snapshot of these funders. We recommend visiting the funders’ websites for full details before you apply. Every funder in this list has a website, which you can access by clicking on the name of the funder.

A. Get in quick – deadlines are coming up!
1. Funders with a local / regional interest 

C B and H H Taylor 1984 Trust 

Deadline: 15th September 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered and exempt charities only
Size of grant available: Average grant £3,000
Priorities: Grants given to projects in the West Midlands which are intended to solve local problems and improve the quality of life within communities. Grants are made in the following categories: 

  • Social welfare – including children and young people, older people, disabled people, homelessness, women-led initiatives, counselling and mediation, hospice and bereavement services 
  • Education – including adult literacy schemes, employment training, youth work and mental health education 
  • Penal affairs – including word with offenders and ex-offenders to reduce re-offending and help reintegration, support for families of offenders, police-backed initiatives, youth projects 

Types of costs funded: Project costs
How to apply: The application window opens on 4th July and will be on the funder’s website. Find full guidance on the website too 

William A Cadbury Charitable Trust 

Deadline: Early September for applications to its large grants programme. Small grants (up to £2,000) are considered monthly
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities and CICs, as well as constituted not-for-profit groups in the West Midlands
Size of grant available: Large grants of up to £20,000
Priorities: Projects across the West Midlands in the following categories: 

  • Community Action – Community based and organised schemes (which may be centered on a place of worship) aimed at solving local problems and improving the quality of life of community members 
  • Vulnerable Groups – including the elderly, children and young people, the disabled, asylum seekers and similar minorities 
  • Advice, Mediation and Counselling – Applicants must be able to point to the rigorous selection, training and monitoring of front line staff (particularly in the absence of formal qualifications) as well as to the overall need for the service provided 
  • Education and Training –Trustees are particularly interested in schemes that help people of working age develop new skills in order to re-enter the jobs market 
  • Environment and Conservation – Projects which address the impact of climate change and projects to preserve buildings and installations of historic importance and local interest 
  • Medical and Healthcare – Hospices, self-help groups and some medical research which must be based in and be of potential benefit to the West Midlands 
  • The Arts – Music, drama and the visual arts, museums and art galleries 
  • Penal Affairs – Restorative Justice, prison based projects and work with ex-offenders aimed at reducing re-offending. (Penal reform used to be supported on a UK wide basis but, because of the volume of appeals received, this programme is now restricted to the West Midlands) 

How to apply: By post or using the online application form on the funder’s website 

Cole Charitable Trust 

Deadline: 30th September 2022
Types of organisation supported: Small and local registered charities and local branches of national charities
Size of grant available: Grants in the region of £500-£1,200
Priorities: The funder is interested in the following themes: 

  • social welfare, all age groups 
  • housing/homelessness 
  • community and environmental development
  • opportunities for young people 
  • promotion of improved quality of life 
  • personal or community empowerment 

How to apply: Email applications are preferred, but postal applications will be accepted. See funder’s website for instructions 

 2. National funders 

Charles Hayward Foundation (Social and criminal justice) 

Deadline: 12th August 2022 (stage one deadline)
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities with income of more than £350,000 per year only
Size of grant available:  Grants of one-three years of between £15,000 and £25,000 per year
Priorities: The funder is interested in projects such as: 

  • Targeted early intervention programmes aimed at reaching the most troubled and vulnerable families in a community 
  • Preventative and diversionary projects for young people at risk of offending including tailored interventions identifying and addressing the particular needs of girls and young women 
  • Programmes, particularly those with a focus on young offenders, combining prison based and community interventions dealing with rehabilitation of offenders, accommodation and support on release, helping with maintaining family relationships, mentoring, and mapping and creating pathways to employment 
  • Schemes offering viable alternatives to custody, in particular for women and young people 
  • Programmes of support directed towards rehabilitating the victims of domestic abuse and criminal exploitation 

Types of costs funded: Project costs only, no capital costs
How to apply: Two-stage application. For stage one, submit a proposal of no more than four sides of A4, following the guidance on the funder’s website. 

Charles Hayward Foundation (Heritage and conservation) 

Deadline: 12th August 2022 (stage one deadline)
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities with income of more than £350,000 per year only
Size of grant available:  One-off grants of up to £50,000
Priorities: The main focus in this category is on protecting, restoring and interpreting past inventions, discoveries, industrial sites and defining moments that have shaped our history and identity, and displaying them in a modern context for public engagement, use and learning. The funder is interested in projects such as: 

  • Conservation and preservation of pictures, manuscripts, books and objects for public display, use and interest 
  • Development of libraries, museums and galleries 
  • Adaptation of former Industrial Heritage sites to creative and educational spaces 

How to apply: Two-stage application. For stage one, submit a proposal of no more than four sides of A4, following the guidance on the funder’s website. 

ASDA Foundation – Empowering Local Communities 

Deadline: 19th August 2022 (stage one deadline)
Types of organisation supported: Constituted not-for-profits including community groups, voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises
Size of grant available:  £500-£1,500
Priorities: This grant is designed to support a broad range of activities which contribute towards transforming the community and improving the lives of people in that community. There are four options to choose from under this grant. You must be clear from the outset which one you are applying for. It’s also possible to apply for a combination 

  • Building Resilient Communities – Supporting community groups with the equipment, essentials and facilities to enable activity to take place. This might be enhancing what is already available, providing essential items such as food or enabling an activity to continue 
  • Active Lives – Supporting participation in group physical activities. Whether low or high impact, regardless of age or ability, encouraging people to lead more active lifestyles and for everyone to feel able to participate. 
  • Seasonal Celebrations & Festivals – Enabling communities to celebrate what matters to them. Helping to bring people together to share experiences & encouraging everyone within the community to be together. E.g. Community garden party, Pride, Eid al-Adha 
  • Leading Healthier Lives – From cooking and education classes to enabling positive mental health. We are committed to supporting health in body, mind and soul in our communities. 

How to apply: Through your local store’s Community Champion. Use the website to find out your local store’s Community Champion. Full information, guidance and example application form are also available on the funder’s website 

Community Ownership Fund (Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government) 

Deadline: 19th August 2022 (but an expression of interest can be submitted at any time)
Types of organisation supported: Voluntary and community organisations
Size of grant available:  Up to £250,000
Priorities: Funding to help communities take ownership of local assets that are at risk. The Fund supports projects which fulfil one or a combination of the following aims: 

  • acquire a physical community asset at risk, such as land and buildings which deliver a benefit to local people 
  • renovate, repair or refurbish the asset, only where it is a community asset at risk of closure and where this is critical to saving the asset and making it sustainable for long-term community use 
  • set up a new community business or buy an existing business in order to save an asset of importance to the community 
  • the purchase of associated stock, collections or intellectual property, where it is associated with buying a physical asset or buying a business to save an asset 
  • move a community asset to a new, more appropriate location within the same community. This might be because a different location offers better value to continue the asset, or because the venue is in itself an asset of community value 

Types of costs funded: Match funding for the purchase or renovation costs of community assets
How to apply: Complete an expression of interest form at any time. Once you have passed the expression of interest stage, you will be sent a link to the full application form, which will need to be submitted by 19th August 2022. There will be two further chances to apply before March 2023. 

Future 100 Growth Fund 

Deadline: 20th August 2022
Who can apply: Individuals between 18 and 30 years old of Black African, Black Caribbean, Black British and/or Mixed-race descent
What is being offered: 

  • Funding of up to £15,000 for the most innovative new business ideas and exciting existing companies
  • Access for Black entrepreneurs to supply chains, connections and insights from a global business. Sky is actively diversifying its supply chains to create greater opportunities for Black businesses
  • Tailored 12-week programme of workshops and insights days with Sky executives and other market-leading expert
  • Work with a network of mentors and community organisations to advise and assist new enterprises through direct financial support and products nurturing talent and innovation
  • Support for Black founders and entrepreneurs with relevant knowledge and skills, as well as opportunities to meet influential people, prospective partners and funders 

How to apply: At the funder’s website where full criteria and information is also provided 

Archbishops’ Council Church Care Grants (Stained Glass) 

Deadline: 22nd August 2022
Types of organisation supported: Churches
Size of grant available: Up to £10,000
Priorities: The conservation of stained and painted glass of historic and artistic significance. The funder may also consider funding the conservation of plain glazing of historic, architectural, archaeological or artistic significance, as well as environmental protective glazing if it is part of a coherent conservation scheme
Types of costs funded: Capital
How to apply: Online using the funder’s website. You can also call 020 7898 1872 to discuss project eligibility first 

Elsie Pilkington Charitable Trust (Elderly Grants) 

Deadline: 26th August 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only
Size of grant available: Average grant size is £3,000
Priorities: Projects that support older people or people who are frail
Types of costs funded: Mostly capital. In exceptional circumstances salaries and ongoing running costs could be covered
How to apply: By letter with a covering application form downloaded from the funder’s website  

Media Literacy Taskforce Fund (UK Government Department for Culture, Media and Sport) 

Deadline: 30th August 2022
Types of organisation supported: Organisations registered to operate in the UK and with experience of delivering media literacy
Size of grant available: Up to £250,000
Priorities: The fund is seeking projects that help disengaged people, such as those who are digitally excluded or from lower socio-economic backgrounds, to improve their critical thinking of what they see in the media through ways that are tailored to their needs and relevant to their daily lives. Projects should do one or more of the following: 

  • building audience resilience to dis- and misinformation, including by developing their ability to critically evaluate the content they consume; recognise the benefits of well-researched, accurate media content; and contribute positively to press sustainability 
  • supporting citizens to develop an understanding of how the online environment operates and use this to inform decisions online 
  • supporting citizens to develop the ability to identify online abuse and hate speech, and understanding when content may cause harm to themselves or others 
  • supporting citizens to develop an understanding of the risks and benefits of engaging with others online, and ability to contribute positively to their online environments 
  • enabling citizens to participate positively in democratic debate online 

How to apply: Through the gov.uk website 

Emerton-Christie Charity 

Deadline: End of August 2022
Types of organisation supported: Charities and voluntary organisations
Size of grant available: Most grants up to £3,000
Priorities: Funding is focused on the following themes: 

  • Education / training 
  • The advancement of health or saving of lives 
  • Disability 
  • Arts / culture / heritage / science 
  • Environment / conservation / heritage 

Types of costs funded: Project and core costs
How to apply: By email. Please see FAQs on the funder’s website 

Ashworth Charitable Trust 

Deadline: End of August 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only
Size of grant available: Most grants up to £3,000
Priorities: In the past, the funder has awarded grants for the following: 

  • Charities addressing social, physical, or educational rehabilitation 
  • Charities offering information, support, relief or equipment for illness or disability 
  • Charities supporting those members of society who may be considered as isolated, vulnerable, at risk or disadvantaged 
  • Charities supporting victims of torture or human rights abuses 
  • Charities helping to support carers 
  • Holidays for disadvantaged children 
  • Youth clubs, especially in disadvantaged areas 
  • Women’s refuges 
  • Homeless shelters 
  • Orphanages 
  • Charities supplying micro-loans, or other business enterprises in the Developing World 
  • Charities helping to provide access to medical care, food or water supplies in the Developing World 

How to apply: At the funder’s website 

The Robert McAlpine Foundation 

Deadline: 31st August 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only with annual income below £1million
Size of grant available: Usually in the region of £5,000-£10,000
Priorities: The funder awards grants in the following themes: 

  • Children 
  • Social 
  • Elderly 
  • Youth 
  • Medical 

How to apply: Complete the criteria form on the funder’s website in order to apply. The website details what applicants should cover in their application 

Morris Church Conservation Grants 

Deadline: 31st August 2022
Types of organisation supported: Places of worship in the UK
Size of grant available: £500-£5,000
Priorities: Fund smaller programmes of work concerned with the conservation of decorative or non-structural features inside the building. This might include: 

  • stained glass windows 
  • sculpture 
  • furniture 
  • internal monuments and tombs 
  • wall paintings 

The object must have been made no later than 1896, even if it is in a building which is older.
How to apply: At the funder’s website where you will find full guidelines 

Will Charitable Trust (Cancer Care strand) 

Deadline: 31st August 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered and exempt charities with turnover above £50,000 only
Size of grant available: £3,000-£30,000
Priorities: Care and services for people with cancer and their families
How to apply: Postal applications only. Follow the guidelines on the funder’s website when developing your application. 

Kelly Family Charitable Trust 

Deadline: 1st September 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only
Size of grant available: Up to £5,000
Priorities: The trust has decided to prioritise its funding in favour of charities whose activities involve all or most family members where possible, in initiatives that support and encourage the family to work as a cohesive unit in tackling problems that face one or more of its members. The objective is to reinforce the benefit and support that family members as a unit can give to each other. The three areas of activity that the charity wishes to support are: 

  • Interventions that support families and help them in ways that prevent the fracture of the family unit, eg practical family support, relationship counselling, mediation 
  • Families where sexual abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, alcohol abuse and drug abuse threaten the integrity of the family unit 
  • Prisoners and in particular their families, during and after the period of imprisonment 

Types of costs funded: Core, capital, revenue and project costs
How to apply: By completing and emailing the application form which is available to download from the funder’s website 

Jean Sainsbury Animal Welfare Trust 

Deadline: 1st September 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only
Size of grant available: Up to £35,000
Priorities: Animal welfare charities. The types of project funded include: 

  • General running costs associated with the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing or release of domestic, wild and exotic animals 
  • Costs associated with the direct protection of endangered species 
  • Feeding, capture, neutering and release of feral cats 
  • Assistance with vets’ fees and neutering costs of animals owned by those on low incomes 
  • Donations towards capital purchases involving land, buildings, vehicles, equipment and educational material 

How to apply: Download the application form from the funder’s website and send completed forms and requested documents by email
Further deadlines: January 2023, May 2023 

Green Hall Foundation 

Deadline: Opens on 1st September 2022 and will close when 200 applications have been received
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only with annual income under £250,000
Size of grant available: £1,000-£10,000
Priorities: Projects that benefit the sick, the elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged particularly in the UK
Types of costs funded: Project and equipment costs only
How to apply: At the funder’s website 

Co-Operative Bank Customer Donation Fund 

Deadline: 30th September 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities, community interest companies, co-operatives and credit unions that have a Community Directplus account with Co-op Bank
Size of grant available: £1,000
Priorities: The fund will support varied projects throughout the UK. Preference will be given to projects that fit into one or more of its priorities, which are: 

  • Ethics – projects which reflect The Co-operative Bank’s Ethical Policy including Animal Welfare, Fair Trade and Social Involvement
  • Ecology – ecological projects which contribute to a sustainable society
  • Projects in the communities in which The Co-operative Bank operates
  • Projects where The Co-operative Bank’s contribution will make a significant impact
  • Projects which support The Co-operative Bank’s community themes. These are currently:
  • Crime, reoffending and victims of crime
  • Financial capability and education
  • Diversity and inclusion

How to apply: Download the application form from the funder’s website
Further deadlines: 31st March 2022 

A & N Daniell Charitable Trust 

Deadline: 30th September 2022
Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only
Size of grant available: Undefined, likely to be small amounts
Priorities: The care and education of children or others with severe learning difficulties as well as environmental conservation and local community engagement with wildlife
How to apply: Download the application form from the funder’s website 

B. No deadlines
1. Funders with a local / regional interest  

Richardson Brothers Foundation 

Types of organisation supported: Charities and other regional and local good causes
Size of grant available: Undefined, likely to be small amounts
Priorities: Support for vulnerable and disadvantaged communities
How to apply: Download the application form from the funder’s website 

WMCA Community Green Grants (Small Grants) 

Types of organisation supportedConstituted not-for-profits including community groups, voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises
Size of grant available: £3,000-£25,000
Priorities: Community groups and organisations will be encouraged to apply for small grants that connect local people to nature. The panel welcome creative ideas that meet the grant criteria, examples of potential projects are: 

  • Projects focused on increasing biodiversity such as tree planting, gardening, habitat creation, pollinator projects, improving canals & rivers 
  • Turning unused viable land into pocket parks or accessible green space 
  • Nature playgroups that give children and families with no regular access to green space an opportunity to experience hands on activities such as growing fruit and vegetables 

Types of costs funded: Direct project costs which can include staff and capital costs
How to apply: Through the Heart of England Community Foundation website, where full guidance is also provided 

WMCA Community Green Grants (Large Grants) 

Types of organisation supportedConstituted not-for-profits including community groups, voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises
Size of grant available: £25,000-£100,000
Priorities: For organisations with larger scale plans that will create significant sustainable projects that help people connect to nature and improve the local environment. Examples include: 

  • Development of green corridors linking parks/ community gardens/ other green spaces 
  • Development of new community green spaces that increase local access 
  • Projects that significantly improve the biodiversity of the area and promote behavioural change on accessing green spaces. 

Types of costs funded: Direct project costs which can include staff and capital costs
How to apply: Through the Heart of England Community Foundation website, where full guidance is also provided. he funding for large projects is limited so please contact CommunityGreenGrants@wmca.org.uk before submitting an application 

2. National funders 

Edgar E Lawley Foundation 

Types of organisation supported: All types of not-for-profit organisation
Size of grant available: Grants usually up to £1,500
Priorities: Medicine, older people, education in arts, commerce and industry
How to apply: The application form will be available from the funder’s website from 1st August. Apply between 1st August and 31st October 2022 

Baily Thomas Charitable Fund (General Programme) 

Types of organisation supported: Registered charities only
Size of grant available: Small grants up to £10,000 and main grants over £10,000
Priorities: Work that benefits people who are learning disabled. The following areas of work normally fall within the Fund’s current policy providing they benefit the learning disabled: 

  • Capital building/renovation/refurbishment works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools 
  • Employment schemes including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture 
  • Play schemes and play therapy schemes 
  • Day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs 
  • Support for families, including respite schemes 
  • Independent living schemes 
  • Support in the community schemes 
  • Snoezelen (sensory) rooms 

How to apply: Online at the funder’s website. NB. There are no deadlines for the small grants under £10,000. For applications over £10,000, apply by 1 December, 1 March and 1 August (please check the website in case deadline dates change) 

Making a Difference Locally (through local Nisa stores) 

Types of organisation supported: Any constituted not-for-profit organisation with its own bank account
Size of grant available: Up to £5,000
Priorities: Build strong local communities supporting organisations local to Nisa stores (within 10 miles) that encourage people to enjoy/spend time outdoors
How to apply: Through your local Nisa store. Use the store locator on the funder’s website to find your nearest store 



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