Why not come along to our friendly, informal information event to make new connections for groups across the Dudley borough
Our event is taking place in Dudley on Tuesday 25th April 2023 for anyone from the voluntary, community and faith sector across Dudley borough, who may want to know more about how Dudley CVS can support their group or organisation, and also the Kings Award For Voluntary Service (KAVS) and the difference that this can make.
There will be a talk about the KAVS itself by Nick Venning DL, support available, previous recipients of the KAVS and of course plenty of time for questions and networking.
Places are limited so get in quick, and also please keep in mind that this is an event for the Dudley Borough and those who impact it.
This is your opportunity to make new connections and:
– Learn about the Kings Award for Voluntary Service
– Meet Dudley CVS’s Group Development team
We plan to start at 6:30 pm and end at 8 pm.
Doors will open from 6:00 pm.
We will provide tea and coffee, but the café will be closed, so please feel free to bring a sandwich or snack with you.
Please note spaces are limited to 2 guests per organisation as we expect this to be a popular event.
Dudley CVS’s group development team works with all types of not-for-profits and people interested in setting up new not-for-profits to help them become strong, efficient and sustainable. Our friendly and experienced team gives support across the themes listed below:
setting up / planning / finance and income generation / finding and developing a venue / involving volunteers / governance and compliance / raising your profile / networking and events.
What do we mean by not-for-profit? We mean causes, groups and organisations that are not set up for commercial gain, but are set up to benefit communities across Dudley borough. This could include peer support groups, small community groups, voluntary organisations, charities, social enterprises, uniformed groups, community sports clubs and faith organisations.
To book your place please visit:

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