New Community Hub in Kates Hill!

April 12, 2024
Published by Dudley CVS

Over the last 9 months, the congregation of St John’s church in Kates Hill, supported by a team from Top Church (the Resourcing church in Dudley), have refurbished the downstairs area of St. John’s Parish Centre and have recently opened the space as a Community Hub. Thanks to the national funding given to Top Church, two posts have been created to support this venture and make the transformation of this space possible. Much work has gone into the Hub to create a warm, welcoming space for the people of Dudley. The first service to have launched is a Food Bank which now runs every Tuesday morning, in partnership with the Black Country Food Bank, where individuals and families can use vouchers to access emergency food and essentials. Organisations which work with the local community can apply to be voucher holders here:

The Hub recently had a visit from one of the local schools in Kates Hill where 115 pupils attended and enjoyed an Easter experience with creative activities, music, food and stories. There are many more opportunities for groups and activities to be held here and for the Hub to be used to its fullest potential. The aim of the Community Hub has always been to provide people with a space where they can access help, support, make friends and find a place of belonging. If you are an organisation or a Community group/project and would like more information about St. John’s Community Hub or find out about hiring the space, you can do so by emailing Camilla Clarke, Community Hub Leader, at or by phone 07592 123051.

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