Millennium Point Charitable Trust: STEM grants, apply by 3rd December 2021 (decision in July 2022)
- Size of grant available: Up to £20,000 (to be spent within twelve months) for projects that champion science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects demonstrating a measurable impact in STEM education and/or STEM career choices
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support projects that implement/promote creative and interactive STEM learning in local communities targeting/engaging young people through ‘STEM-centric’ events
- Contact details: Telephone 0121 202 2200
- E-mail:
- Website:
Association of Mental Health Providers: Mental Health Sustainability Fund, apply by 3rd December 2021
- Size of grant available: £50,000 Helplines Fund providing small grants up to £5,000 for small or medium sized organisations offering helpline provision positively impacting their sustainability in response to the Coronavirus pandemic
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support people suffering from mental health needs or illnesses and those with health inequalities exacerbated by Covid-19 such as Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic communities, LGBT+, children/young people, the elderly, new mothers and those in the criminal justice system
- Additional information: Fund made available following receipt of a donation from Bupa Foundation inviting applications from registered charities, Community Interest Companies (CICs) or Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIOs) in operation for at least two years with annual revenue up to £250,000
- Contact details: Hayley Alton (Senior Programme Officer)
- E-mail: or
- Website:
Arts Council of England: Developing your Creative Practice (round 12), apply by 7th December 2021
- Size of grant available: £2,000-£10,000 for individual artists and/or creative practitioners running development activities so they can explore research and development opportunities, build new networks and create new work leading to a positive impact on creativity and culture
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support wider creative development for independent cultural and creative practitioners aged over 18 to reshape and redefine their practice through research, new work, international travel, training, developing new ideas, networking or mentoring
- Additional information: Development activities (up to one year) must focus on one or more of the supported artforms/disciplines i.e. music, dance, visual/combined arts, theatre, museums, libraries and literature and applicants must be aged over 18 and have identified a clear development opportunity
- Contact details: Telephone 0161 934 4317/0845 300 6200
- E-mail:
- Website:
Arts Council of England: Volunteering Futures, submit expression of interest by 7th December 2021 (full applications will be invited in January 2022 if successful at expression of interest stage)
- Size of grant available: £4.7M fund providing grants above £100,001 (no maximum) enabling people to get involved in volunteering activities across the arts, heritage, museums, libraries, sport/physical activities and in youth or other community settings
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support projects that create more and better volunteering opportunities for people experiencing loneliness and barriers to volunteering in areas where there are fewer volunteering opportunities
- Additional information: Working with Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to create more and better volunteering opportunities for young people and others who experience barriers to have high quality opportunities
- Contact details: Telephone 0161 934 4317
- E-mail:
- Website:
Ecclesiastical Insurance Group Movement for Good 12 Days of Giving
- Nominations invited 6th–21st December 2021 and ten winners will be drawn at random each weekday
- Size of grant available: £120,000 fund during 12 days of giving providing £1,000 grants through a nomination process (no application form required)
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Donations to support organisations helping them deliver their vital work making a real difference in communities
- Website:
Power to Change Trust: Powering Up, first round (apply by 13th December 2021) will focus on digital support for community businesses looking to learn how digital skills could help their business develop and grow (further rounds will open in 2022 as this programme will run for four years with multiple rounds of funding)
- Size of grant available: Up to £20,000 comprising an unrestricted grant of £8,000 alongside a 12 month period of support with access to support providers (up to £9,000) and professional development/wellbeing support (up to £3,000) through a Community Business Connector
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support community businesses shifting from an emergency mindset to investing in future planning developing/growing the organisation in digital growth, zero carbon/sustainability and financial resilience
- Additional information: Only community businesses trading for over one year operating and registered in deprived areas with a high percentage of minoritised ethnicity able to dedicate minimum 12 days over the next 12 months to engage with the support being offered can apply
- Contact details: Telephone 020 3857 7274
- E-mail:
- Website:
National Lottery Community Fund: Platinum Jubilee Fund, apply by 15th December 2021 (fund will close once 700 applications have been received) with decisions due in Spring 2022 so that projects are up and running by the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend on 5th June
- Size of grant available: £30,000-£50,000 (to be spent within two years) supporting projects that create a greater legacy for places/spaces and new opportunities/activities building better relationships with one another across generations and with the natural world
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Three focus areas: Across Generations strengthening relationships between generations creating a legacy for the future; Community Renewal supporting new opportunities for people to develop skills/experiences in local communities bringing them together; Shared Natural World growing care and action locally for the natural world initiating collective action in relation to the natural world locally giving more people the opportunity to care for the planet at a local level
- Additional information: This £3.5M funding programme has been launched to celebrate 70 years of the Queen’s reign and, to mark this occasion, 70 small/medium sized organisations with annual turnover below £100,000 creating change for communities will receive a grant
- Contact details: Telephone 0345 4 10 20 30
- E-mail:
- Website:
National Lottery Community Fund: Social Enterprise Support Fund, first round apply 25th November-21st December 2021 (second round 28th February-24th March 2022)
- Size of grant available: £10,000-£100,000 (most £10,000-£50,000) helping social enterprises rebuild from the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic supporting them with the costs of getting trading back up and running and outreach/marketing so businesses gets back to full strength
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support communities that have been hard hit by COVID-19 helping people get back to work, marginalised children catch up with their education, bereaved families and people affected by long COVID
- Additional information: Prioritise social enterprises that promote inclusion, have been incorporated for at least 12 months with annual income £20,000-£1.8M and are substantially reliant on income from trading to deliver social impact working with the most marginalised communities in England (led by and/or working with disabled people/those from Black, Asian and minority ethnic/LGBTQIA+ communities with direct lived experience)
- Contact details: Telephone 0345 4 10 20 30
- E-mail:
- Website:
Anchor Foundation: Application deadlines are 31st January/July annually for trustee meetings in April/October with decisions advised by the end of May and November
- Size of grant available: £500-£10,000 per annum for up to three years
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Social inclusion through ministries of healing and the arts
- Additional information: Only Christian registered charities can apply
- Contact details: Telephone 0115 950 0055
- E-mail:
- Website:
Sir James Roll Charitable Trust: Apply any time (trustees meet on average four times a year)
- Size of grant available: 2019/20 average grant £1,100 (most £1,000)
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Promotion of mutual tolerance, commonality and cordiality in major world religions; improved access to computer technology in communities and primary schools; early identification of specific learning disorders
- Additional information: Only registered charities can apply
- Contact details: Telephone 01634 668167
- E-mail:
- Address: Downs Farm, Pilgrims Way, Wouldham, Rochester, Kent ME1 3RB
Grocers’ Charity: Two-stage application process, deadlines for initial enquiry/short expression of interest are 10th January, 9th March, 10th September and 14th November for trustee meetings in April, June, December and March the following year
- Size of grant available: One-off grants up to £5,000
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Relief of poverty/hardship; disadvantaged children/young people aged up to 25; ending loneliness/social exclusion for elderly people; disability and inclusion; health; support for current and ex-military; heritage/the arts; conservation of the environment
- Additional information: Only registered charities with annual turnover below £500,000 can apply
- Contact details: Michelle Molyneux (Charity Manager), telephone 020 7606 3113
- E-mail:
- Website:
Leche Trust: Apply any time, trustees meet three times a year and in 2022 deadlines are 14th January, 29th April and 23rd September for Spring meeting 1st March, Summer meeting 8th June and Autumn meeting 9th November
- Size of grant available: Up to £5,000 (in 2019/20 average grant £2,095 and success rate 28%)
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Performing arts (music, theatre, dance); conservation of church items (monuments, wall paintings, stained glass, historic furniture/fittings); historic objects, collections and features of buildings and designed landscapes (pre-Victorian i.e. pre-1830s)
- Additional information: Only registered charities can apply
- Contact details: Rosemary Ewles (Grants Director), telephone 020 3233 0023
- E-mail:
- Website:
Margaret Westwood Memorial Charity: There are three trustee meetings a year and applications are required at least four weeks beforehand
- Size of grant available: 2019/20 average grant to 12 organisations (success rate 14.5%) was £1,490 however most grants (54, success rate 65% averaging £270) were to individuals for educational visits/expeditions and/or cost of books/other resources (overall success rate 79.5%)
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Physical, educational or moral welfare and benefit of children/young people aged under 25
- Additional information: Support organisations and individuals in Dudley, Sandwell and Worcestershire
- Contact details: Kirsty McEwen (Secretary), telephone 01384 327322
- E-mail:
- Address: Higgs and Sons, Unit 3, Waterfront Business Park, Dudley Road, Brierley Hill, West Midlands DY5 1LX
W F Southall Trust: Apply any time (trustees meet every four months) however most grant applications are assessed by sub-groups of trustees usually every two/three months
- Size of grant available: Annual funding pot £300/350,000 providing grants £1,000-£5,000 per year
- Aims and outcomes of funder: One of their areas of interest is social action addressing poverty-related disadvantage (financial poverty), human rights/equality helping refugees and asylum seekers integrate within UK communities, rehabilitation of offenders, addiction and substance abuse and building peaceful communities
- Additional information: Only small grassroots registered charities showing creativity and innovation in their work engaging with local communities promoting social justice, inclusion and diversity challenging structural inequalities and injustice with annual income below £1M can apply
- Contact details: Wil Berdinner (Trust Secretary), telephone 0300 111 1937
- Website:
Shackleton Foundation: Leadership Award, apply any time (trustees meet quarterly in late January, early May, mid-September and late November)
- Size of grant available: Up to £10,000 early stage venture capital (grants or loans) offering seed funding and support enabling aspiring inspirational leaders and early stage social entrepreneurs with high risk but high potential to establish longlasting and far reaching projects
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support social leaders working to benefit young people in challenging circumstances through entrepreneurial ideas and inspirational projects that provide solutions to intractable social problems faced by disadvantaged and socially marginalised young people
- Additional information: Support early-stage (established less than 12 months) social enterprises that develop new models or approaches to social problems with significant potential for breakthrough social impact (projects should have a clear social purpose and diverse income streams and not be solely reliant on grants and donations)
- Contact details: Telephone 020 7499 6171
- E-mail:
- Website:
Buffini Chao Foundation: Apply any time
- Size of grant available: 2019/20 average grant just below £19,250 (trustees planning to increase level of grants paid annually to £500,000)
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Promote education and opportunity for children/young people enhancing their lives and futures
- Additional information: Only registered charities can apply
- Contact details: Alison Taylor (Foundation Secretary), telephone 07493 652270
- E-mail:
- Website:
Edge Foundation: 2021 Innovation Grant Fund, apply any time from September 2021 until December 2025 (applications will be assessed monthly)
- Size of grant available: £20,000-£100,000 (single year projects with minimum 20% match funding required) supporting innovative, disruptive and challenging projects addressing the need for a broad and balanced curriculum containing both vocational and academic learning
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support work that makes education relevant, broad, flexible, engaging, high quality and connected to employers/communities empowering young people to develop knowledge, skills and behaviour needed for success as adults
- Additional information: £300,000 available in 2021 and grant programme will be refreshed in January each year with new funds until 2025
- Contact details: Telephone 020 7960 1540
- E-mail:
- Website:
ARTCRY: Apply any time
- Size of grant available: Up to £2,500 supporting individual artists at any stage in their career that need immediate funding so they can deliver urgent artistic responses to current social and political events encouraging bold, political and socially engaged work
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support projects delivered by people who are looking to make change and their work is of a time-critical nature in any artform provided free of charge for audiences presented in the public realm (including digital spaces)
- Contact details:
- E-mail:
- Website:
Arts Council of England: National Lottery Project Grants, apply any time
- Size of grant available: £1,000-£100,000 providing opportunities for people to be creative and have access to a range of high-quality cultural experiences
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support projects that focus on bringing creativity and culture to the public in combined arts i.e. festivals and carnivals, dance, libraries, literature, museums, music, theatre or visual arts
- Additional information: Support individual artists and community/cultural organisations delivering arts, museums and libraries projects
- Contact details: Telephone 0161 934 4317
- E-mail:
- Website:
ASDA Foundation: Investing in Spaces and Places Grant, applications must be made via the Community Champion located at a superstore (stage one deadline 9th January 2022, shortlisted applicants invited to submit a full application in February, decision by 3rd June and work must be completed by 31st May 2023)
- Size of grant available: £5,000-£25,000 towards part-funding a project (applicants must raise at least 50% of the total project cost from other sources) covering building repairs/outdoor improvement or development
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support locally focused organisations that are people centred and efficiently run to improve community spaces and places where local people can be together and thrive
- Additional information: Applicant organisations must either own their building/space or have a lease with at least ten years remaining, have annual income below £250,000, be based in the local community around Asda stores, have an existing relationship with their local store and the space/place requiring funding is used by multiple groups regularly
- Contact details: See Asda Store Locator website and enter postcode to identify local superstore to speak to Community Champion
- E-mail:
- Website:
National Foundation for Youth Music: Recharge Fund, apply by 14th January 2022 with decision by the end of March
- Size of grant available: £1.75M programme providing core funding up to £90,000 (maximum £30,000 per year) to 40 organisations boosting their post-Covid recovery improving capacity, capability and wellbeing helping them to recharge from the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic
- Aims and outcomes of funder: Support children/young people aged up to 25 to make, learn or earn in music addressing their mental health/wellbeing and income security; improve organisational capacity/capability helping them grow, adapt and be more sustainable
- Additional information: Only organisations with a track record of helping children and young people facing barriers and have annual turnover below £1M can apply
- Contact details: Telephone 020 7902 1060/1095
- E-mail:
- Website:
Forrester Family Trust
The Forrester Family Trust supports work/projects targeted at individuals and families suffering multiple disadvantages delivering interventions that improve quality of life for beneficiaries (people and communities). They offer three levels of grants as follows
1. Grant theme up to £40,000 for work addressing financial hardship resulting in food poverty (this funding theme is available until 31st March 2022). Apply by 20th December 2021.
2. Smaller grants of £5,000 to organisations that rely on volunteer support making an impact in their communities. There are two rounds per annum in the Spring and Autumn.
3. Three Year Funding Programme offering ten grants of £25,000 per annum for three years to organisations that can use this funding to create a ripple effect achieving multiple outcomes. Apply by 20th December 2021
- Only small registered charities with a track record of doing good work or have excellent new ideas with annual turnover below £10M can apply.
- For more information, contact:
- Tel: 020 8629 0089
- E-mail:
- Website:
National Lottery Community Fund
- John Goodman (local funding officer Dudley and Wolverhampton) will be available to meet organisations to discuss potential applications to the Reaching Communities funding programme at our office in Brierley Hill (7 Albion Street DY5 3EE) in the New Year on a bi-weekly basis from Monday 10th January 2022. As these meetings will be face-to-face appointments must be made and attendees are requested to wear face coverings when entering our premises. The meetings will be held in an office where social distancing measures are in place.
- In order to book an appointment contact John and he will advise a suitable Monday when he will be at DCVS:
- Tel: 07837 248200
- E-mail:
- Reaching Communities Website:
Black Country ESF Community Grants 2019-2023
- ESF Community Grants awards funding up to £20,000 to organisations that can run projects supporting unemployed people (minimum six months) back into work/training.
- Projects need to demonstrate how they can move participants closer to the job market and particularly how they get the long term unemployed ready for work. They aim to fund projects despite the current restrictions and applicants will need to demonstrate how they can adjust their project if needed, for example using remote delivery.
- Applying for Community Grants can be daunting but the Community Grants team are there to help and they suggest making contact before applying for an informal conversation about the application.
- Projects have to be based and delivered in the Black Country and can only work with eligible participants (see ESF guidelines before applying). There are some top tips on planning Community Grants applications which includes advice on how to support learners with digital access 5 top tips for planning your ESF community grant application
- The guidelines, application and hourly rate calculator are available by emailing or can be downloaded from BCTA Website – make sure the latest application form is used as old formats will not be accepted.
- For more information and, to obtain an application form, contact Helen Kirk (Programme Manager):
- Tel: 01922 650391
- E-mail: or
- Website:

Dudley CVS Achieves Local Infrastructure Quality Accreditation (LIQA)

Celebrating 50 years of Community Action – Dudley CVS AGM and Community Awards

Welcoming Grace to the team at Dudley CVS

Integrated Plus Newsletter May 2024