Refreshing the Compact VCS Engagement Session

September 18, 2023
Published by Dudley CVS

When: Wednesday 18th October 2023, 10:30am – 12:30pm 

Where: At DY1 Hall, Stafford Street, Dudley, DY1 1RT 

What is the Compact? 

The Local Compact is an agreement between the local public and voluntary and community sectors in Dudley borough. It aims to define and strengthen relationships by establishing principles and commitments to which all parties to the Compact sign up.  

Background to the Local Compact 

The Government first published a national Compact with the voluntary and community sector (VCS) in 1998 and followed this up with guidelines for the drawing up of local Compacts and the expectation that every part of the country would be covered.  

Dudley borough’s first Local Compact was published in 2002 and has been revised and updated periodically since then to reflect wider partner involvement and progress with implementation. The Coalition Government confirmed its commitment to the national Compact and issued a renewed Compact in December 2010. 

Over the past 5-10 years, the landscape has seen a significant shift with a transformation of mental health provision locally and across the Black Country, and the development of an Integrated Care Model across the Black Country, now referred to as the Integrated Care Board established in July 2022 

As part of Dudley’s Health and Care Partnership Board 5-year Joint Forward Plan, a number of workstreams have been established with representatives from across the system to support the sustainability of the voluntary sector. One of these workstreams is focusing on refreshing the Local Compact once again for Dudley borough. 

This VCS engagement session will provide the opportunity for voluntary organisations and community groups to: 

  • Learn more about the Local Compact, its purpose and why it is important 

  • Share what challenges they currently face and explore how the Compact could help to overcome these 

  • Explore new ways of working that would help generate opportunities for the sector to flourish within the borough. 

  • Help refresh and update the Local Compact for Dudley borough 

Dudley CVS is keen to hear the views from a diverse range of organisations including small community groups, medium to large voluntary organisations, social enterprises and faith-based groups. 

For more information, please contact Kate Green.
Tel: 01384 573381.

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