The regulator of all charities in England and Wales has updated its guidance on how trustees, staff and volunteers can protect their charity from abuse by those encouraging extremism, terrorism or illegal activity. The Charity Commission has released the refreshed guidance in the light of an increase in the number of charities being reported for concerns about extremism.
The Charity Commission says:
“All charities must comply with UK law and so must not support terrorism or other illegal conduct, such as hatred on the grounds of race, religion or sexual orientation. In addition, a charity’s name, premises or money must not be used to promote extremist or other activities that are inappropriate under charity law, for example because they are in breach of equalities legislation.
This guidance may also be helpful for charities who are themselves, or who are working closely with others, subject to the Prevent Duty.
This guidance seeks to help charities that regularly host or hold events at their premises, use speakers at events or distribute literature (whether or not produced by the charity) to further their charity’s purposes through the promotion and exchange of views and ideas.”