What is One Health and Care?
One Health and Care is a confidential shared care record which is being launched for people registered with a GP in the Black Country and West Birmingham during 2022.
One Health and Care brings data together from the different organisations involved in your health and social care. It allows doctors, nurses and other registered health and social care professionals directly involved in your care to view relevant information in order to provide you with better, safer care.
Who will see your records and why?
When you visit any of the organisations listed below, or use services provided by them, staff directly involved in your care will have access to the important information from your health and social care record:
• GP practices in the Black Country and West Birmingham
• The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
• Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust
• Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
• Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust
• Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
• Dudley Integrated Health and Care NHS Trust
• Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
• Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
• Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council
• Wolverhampton City Council
• West Midlands Ambulance Service
Neighbouring organisations within Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire, and Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, are also participating in and contributing data to One Health and Care.
This includes all local GP practices, NHS hospital trusts, NHS community and mental health trusts, and local authorities (for social care) in these areas. In order to ensure your information will be available to any health or social care professional who provides you with a service, there are also plans to make records available at a future date to other health and social care partners across the wider West Midlands.
What information will they see?
The information that the staff directly involved in your care will be able to see includes:
• Your name, date of birth, sex, address, telephone number, NHS number
• The name of your GP practice and GP
• Medications, allergies, ongoing and historic conditions, immunisations and diagnoses
• Test results, hospital referrals, admissions, discharges and clinics attended
• Social and mental health information and care plans.
This will help us provide you with better and safer care. Your information will be held securely and only shared with staff members in the partnership organisations who are directly involved in your care and support. All staff are bound by professional confidentiality.
Sensitive information such as attendance at sexual health clinics, fertility treatment records, and records relating to gender reassignment will not be included.
How will this help you?
Having your information available to all staff who are directly involved in your care will help us to provide you with better care by ensuring that we have access to the most up-to-date information about you.
You won’t have to keep repeating your health and social care history to individuals involved in your care and support.
The results of common tests (for example blood tests) will be available to everyone involved in your care, reducing the need to repeat them.
This will help improve decision making to give you safer, more consistent care whether you are in hospital, at a GP practice or any other place where you receive care.
How to raise an objection to stop your data being shared
If you are happy for your information to be shared as part of the One Health and Care digital shared care record then you do not need to do anything as we will do it all for you.
If, however, you would like to raise an objection, and you’re registered with a GP in The Black Country and West Birmingham, contact your GP practice to raise an objection to your data being shared. A healthcare professional may contact you to discuss your request.
If you change your mind and wish to reverse your objection, please contact your GP who will update your GP record.
If you choose to raise an objection, your information will not be available via One Health and Care however it can still be shared by health and care organisations by phone, email and on paper if as part of your direct care.
Please consider carefully before raising an objection as it could mean that vital information about you is not immediately available when you require health or social care support.
Further Information
For more information about One Health and Care, visit: www.one-health-care.net
If you have any comments, questions, or feedback on any part of One Health and Care, contact the Time2Talk team:
• Telephone: 0121 612 4110
• Email: bcwbccg.time2talk@nhs.net
• Post: Time2Talk, Black Country and West Birmingham CCG, Civic Centre, St Peters Square, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SH