Training: Volunteers and the law

April 29, 2022
Published by Dudley CVS
Do volunteers have the same rights as employees? Health and safety doesn’t apply to volunteers does it? Do your volunteers have contracts?

Many volunteer-involving organisations are not aware of the legal implications when working with volunteers. Our session aims to dispel myths and clarify your legal responsibilities. We also use actual case studies where volunteers have taken organisations to court, to help demonstrate bad practice when involving volunteers.

What will the session cover?

  • What a volunteer is and when someone is not a volunteer
  • Who can or cannot volunteer and conditions that may apply
  • How current legislation has implications for volunteers and volunteer involving organisations
  • Identifying volunteers’ rights and the responsibilities of organisations when involving volunteers
  • Taking steps to avoid creating employment conditions with volunteers
  • Evaluating a legal case study and discuss the likely outcome

As there’s quite a lot of ‘heavy’ information, we deliver the session in sections and there are activities to break up the training, so it’s not all ‘death by Powerpoint’

Date and time

Friday 10 June, 9am for a 9.15am start.

To book

Please register your place on Eventbrite.


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