Remember when you experienced the euphoria of laughing so much your sides ached? Here’s your opportunity to take giggling to another level.
Every year, all around the world on the first Sunday in May ‘World Laughter Day’ is celebrated where people laugh to promote World Peace. It started in 1998 by Dr Madan Kataria (founder of the Laughter Yoga Movement) and has continued every year since.
This year’s event will take place on Sunday, 5th of May 2024 from 11.00 am at The Hub Building, Mary Stevens Park, Stourbridge, DY8 2AA. It is a FREE session and will last one hour.
In this session, ‘Laughter Yoga’ is practised; which combines laughter exercises with deep breathing. It is an aerobic exercise and leaves participants feeling energised, uplifted and connected to each other.
Participants shall meet by the hub building and, weather permitting, will run the session in the open air beside the building. If the weather is not good, the group shall be inside the building for the session.
You can book you place at:
Please contact Maggie Thompson for more information on or phone 07565 219567

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Integrated Plus Newsletter May 2024