October 22, 2023
Published by Keeley
Since starting the role of Senior Development Officer for Children, Young People and Families at Dudley CVS, it has been reassuring to see the level of commitment and passion from voluntary, community and faith-based organisations towards safeguarding children and young
June 19, 2023
Published by Ben Arrowsmith
Community Collaboration: from high ropes to camper vans….
Both Wheels VLS and Challenge Academy CIC work with DCVS to deliver HAF activities (Holiday Activities and Food programme). The team hold regular HAF provider meetings to share updates and provide an opportunity to network. It was at one of
August 11, 2021
Published by Dudley CVS
Holiday Activity Fun!
The Government has allocated Dudley Borough with £1,200,000 from the Holiday Activities and Food Programme funding to be spent by the end of 2021 on activities and refreshments for income eligible, free school meals pupils for a week at Easter, 4 weeks in the summer and a week
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